ITrendStorageWriter.CanProvideMinMaxTimestamps (METH) ¶ METHOD CanProvideMinMaxTimestamps : BOOL This method indicates, whether the ITrendStorageWriter instance can provide mininum/maximum timestamps (similar to the TrendFbTrendStorageReader instance). In this case the method returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE. InOut: Scope Name Type Return CanProvideMinMaxTimestamps BOOL
ITrendStorageWriter.CreateTrendStorageMetaDataFile (METH) ¶ METHOD CreateTrendStorageMetaDataFile This method evaluates an existing trend storage file and creates a metadata file containing information about the trend storage like file version, number of columns of the data table, … InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input itfTraceMgrPacket ITraceMgrPacket An instance of ITraceMgrPacket describing the trace mgr packet, that will be written to the trend storage
ITrendStorageWriter.GetMinMaxTimestamps (METH) ¶ METHOD GetMinMaxTimestamps : STO.ERROR This method is an optimization for a functionality, that is normally provided by a function block, that reads the trend storage. It is possible, because an ITrendStorageWriter knows both the minimum and maximum timestamp, that has been written in the trend storage. Rem.: This is not quite correct. The maximum timestamp is always available, because during writing to the trend storage the maximum timestamp can be determined easily. For the minimum timestamp is more logic available. - If no cicurlar trend storage is in use the minimum timestamp has to be set once by calling method SetMinTimestamp. In case of a circular trend storage the minimum timestamp will be determined during deleting the oldest records Before using this method the method InitializeGetMinMaxTimestamps has to be called. The return value of the method indicates, whether the processing was successful. Normally always STO.ERROR.NO_ERROR will be returned. If the previous call to InitializeGetMinMaxTimestamps is missing ERR_NOTINITIALIZED will be returned InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetMinMaxTimestamps STO.ERROR Output liMinTimestamp LINT Returns minimum timestamp liMaxTimestamp LINT Returns maximum timestamp liAbsPacketStartTime LINT Returns the absolute start time of the 1st trace mgr packet
ITrendStorageWriter.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize This method performs some initialization. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input udiRecordingTimespan UDINT The configured timespan between two recordings udiCountCyclesToStore UDINT The number of cycles, that have to stored in the temporary buffer before writing the data to the trend storage udiMaxRecordCount UDINT If this parameter has a value != 0 it indicates the maximum number of records, that will be stored in the trend storage. In case of 0 no limit exists itfTrendRootPageManager ITrendRootPageManager An already initialized instance of ITrendRootPageManager, that is able to provide the root pages for tables and indexes
ITrendStorageWriter.InitializeGetMinMaxTimestamps (METH) ¶ METHOD InitializeGetMinMaxTimestamps This method has to be called before method GetMinMaxTimestamps can be used. It provides some initial values for this method. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input liMinTimestamp LINT The minimum timestamp to set liAbsPacketStartTime LINT Sets the absolute start time of the 1st trace mgr packet
ITrendStorageWriter2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITrendStorageWriter2 EXTENDS ITrendStorageWriter Extension of interface to retrieve statistics about the writing process and to support notification about new data written to the trend storage. Methods: AddTrendStorageWriterListener GetStatistics RemoveTrendStorageWriterListener CanProvideMinMaxTimestamps , inherited from ITrendStorageWriter CreateTrendStorageMetaDataFile , inherited from ITrendStorageWriter GetMinMaxTimestamps , inherited from ITrendStorageWriter Initialize , inherited from ITrendStorageWriter InitializeGetMinMaxTimestamps , inherited from ITrendStorageWriter Structure: AddTrendStorageWriterListener (Method) GetStatistics (Method) RemoveTrendStorageWriterListener (Method)
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator.ProcessTimestamp (METH) ¶ METHOD ProcessTimestamp Notification, that a timestamp from TblTrendData has been read and can be processed. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input diWhichRow DINT A 0-based index of the row read from TblTrendData liTimestamp LINT The absolute timestamp, that was read from TblTrendData liAbsPacketStartTime LINT The absolute start time of the 1st trace mgr packet, only if this parameter contains a value != 0.
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator.ProcessValue (METH) ¶ METHOD ProcessValue Notification, that a variable value from TblTrendData has been read and can be processed. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input diWhichRow DINT A 0-based index of the row read from TblTrendData iWhichVariable INT A 0-based index of the variable within all variables liValue LINT The value, that was read from TblTrendData xValueNULL BOOL Indicates, whether NULL is stored in the trend storage
prvTblTrendConfigurationGetConfig ¶ ActivateMaxWarningRead (Method) ActivateMinWarningRead (Method) AfterReadingVariableConfiguration (Method) BeforeReadingVariableConfiguration (Method) ColIDRead (Method) DescriptionTextIDRead (Method) DisplayVariableNameRead (Method) GraphColorRead (Method) GraphTypeRead (Method) LineStyleRead (Method) LineWidthRead (Method) MaxWarningColorRead (Method) MaxWarningThresholdRead (Method) MinWarningColorRead (Method) MinWarningThresholdRead (Method) VariableNameRead (Method) VariableTypeRead (Method)
prvTblTrendConfigurationGetDiagramConfig ¶ YAxisDescriptionRead (Method)