Trace ¶ Globals Visu_ElemTrace_Versions (GVL) Helpfunctions VisuFctCalculateMaxTooltipLength (Function) VisuFctGetGradient (Function) VisuFctGetTransparentValue (Function)
Globals ¶ Visu_ElemTrace_Versions (GVL)
Visu_ElemTrace_Versions (GVL) ¶ take care when doing changes here, might be accessed from generated code Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant _VISUELEMTRACE_VERSION_LARGEROREQUAL_3_4_0_0 INT 0 The following identifier are only used by the code generation to determine, whether the version of this library is greater or equal a given version _VISUELEMTRACE_VERSION_LARGEROREQUAL_3_5_7_0 INT 0 _VISUELEMTRACE_VERSION_LARGEROREQUAL_3_5_11_0 INT 0
Allocator.FreeBytes (METH) ¶ METHOD FreeBytes InOut: Scope Name Type Input ptr POINTER TO BYTE
Allocator.GetAllocations (METH) ¶ METHOD GetAllocations InOut: Scope Name Type Input pStru POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF S_ALLOC iEntries INT
Allocator.GetTotBytesAlloc (METH) ¶ METHOD GetTotBytesAlloc : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetTotBytesAlloc DINT
Dummy (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Dummy IMPLEMENTS IXYChartStringApproxMeasure This FB exists only because I need the C# conversion of the interface IXYChartStringApproxMeasureIXYChartStringApproxMeasure Whitout an ST using of it, no C# conversion happens. Methods: XYChartMeasureStringApproximately Structure: XYChartMeasureStringApproximately (Method)
Dummy.XYChartMeasureStringApproximately (METH) ¶ METHOD XYChartMeasureStringApproximately : VisuElemBase.Visu_TypeString InOut: Scope Name Type Return XYChartMeasureStringApproximately VisuElemBase.Visu_TypeString Input pabyCharWidths POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF BYTE pbyString VisuElemBase.Visu_TypeString xWstring BOOL iBufferSize INT sFontName STRING iFontHeight INT dwFontFlags DWORD iMaxLength INT Output iLength INT iHeight INT iCountLines INT
AlarmSelectionInfo (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE AlarmSelectionInfo : STRUCT The alarm selection info can be used to get all information about the selected alarm in an alarmtable. InOut: Name Type Comment sAlarmGroup STRING uiAlarmID UINT timeStampActive SYSTIMEDATE timeStampInactive SYSTIMEDATE timeStampAcknowledge SYSTIMEDATE timeStampLast SYSTIMEDATE paLatchVariables POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9] OF AlarmManager.ValueTypeBundle Latch variables. The array must be initialized with the correct number. iLatchVariablesCount INT The array size of paLatchVariables, f.e. [0..9] –> iLatchVariablesCount := 10 papwsAlarmMessages POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9] OF POINTER TO WSTRING Messages. The array must be initialized with the correct number. All messages are provided as WSTRING; dwAlarmMessageTextBufferSize DWORD The buffer size, f.e. SIZEOF(WSTRING) iAlarmMessagesCount INT The array size of papwsAlarmMessages, f.e. [0..9] –> iAlarmMessagesCount := 10 iSelectionChangedCounter INT This variable is incremented when the selection is changed. It can be used to react on the selection change in the application. dwCommentBufferSize DWORD The buffer size for alarm comments. dwCommentUserIdBufferSize DWORD The buffer size for alarm comment user ids. commentActive AlarmComment AlarmComment structure containing the comment and user id for the ‘Active’ state. commentActiveAck AlarmComment AlarmComment structure containing the comment and user id for the ‘ActiveAcknowledged’ state. commentWaitingConf AlarmComment AlarmComment structure containing the comment and user id for the ‘WaitingForConfirmation’ state. commentNormal AlarmComment AlarmComment structure containing the comment and user id for the ‘Normal’ state.