Helpfunctions ¶ TraceFctGetVariableName (Function) TraceFctGetVariableNameW (Function) TrendFctSetComplexElementCallState (Function)
TraceFctGetVariableName (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION TraceFctGetVariableName : STRING(255) Returns the name of a variable, displayed in the trace or trend InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return TraceFctGetVariableName STRING(255) Input itfTraceMgrVariable ITraceMgrVariable The variable
TraceFctGetVariableNameW (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION TraceFctGetVariableNameW : WSTRING(255) Same as TraceFctGetVariableName, but returns a WSTRING InOut: Scope Name Type Return TraceFctGetVariableNameW WSTRING(255) Input itfTraceMgrVariable ITraceMgrVariable
TrendFctSetComplexElementCallState (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION TrendFctSetComplexElementCallState This function is only used to have easier debugging purposes, than assigning directly to the structure member InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input pElementCallParam POINTER TO TrendStructElementCallParam A pointer to the TrendStructElementCallParam variable of the trend element, that allows to access the parameters of the current call eState TrendEnumComplexElementCallState The TrendEnumComplexElementCallState value to assign
VisuElemTrace Library Documentation ¶ Company : System Title : VisuElemTrace Version : Categories : Intern|Visu Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : System_VisuElemTrace Description [ 1 ] ¶ This library contains the PlotLib and the visual element trace. Contents: ¶ LegendDisplayer VisuEnumLegendDisplayerLineType (Enum) VisuStructLegendDisplayerCheckBoxPos (Struct) VisuStructLegendDisplayerCheckBoxStatus (Struct) TL_ElementProperties (TextList) Trace Globals Helpfunctions Trend Function blocks Helpfunctions TrendGlobalSettings (GVL) debugging Utilities Trend_CompilerDefineLogging (FunctionBlock) Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on VisuElemTrace.library, last modified 23.05.2024, 09:56:02. LibDoc The content file VisuElemTrace.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 23.05.2024, 09:56:08.
LegendDisplayer ¶ VisuEnumLegendDisplayerLineType (Enum) VisuStructLegendDisplayerCheckBoxPos (Struct) VisuStructLegendDisplayerCheckBoxStatus (Struct)
VisuEnumLegendDisplayerLineType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumLegendDisplayerLineType : Do not change the order, is it also used in C# Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial SHAPE 0 BULLET 1 NONE 2
VisuStructLegendDisplayerCheckBoxPos (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE VisuStructLegendDisplayerCheckBoxPos : STRUCT Structure that contains the positions of the check box display closed to the var name InOut: Name Type Initial Comment ptTopLeft VisuStructPoint position of valid input for check box ptBottomRight VisuStructPoint xVisible BOOL TRUE
VisuStructLegendDisplayerCheckBoxStatus (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE VisuStructLegendDisplayerCheckBoxStatus : STRUCT Structure that contains the status of the check box display closed to the var name InOut: Name Type xChecked BOOL
TL_ElementProperties (Text List) ¶