VisuFctCalculateMaxTooltipLength (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctCalculateMaxTooltipLength : INT This method calculates a suitable maximum tooltip length the trace or trend displays. The return value is this length InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return VisuFctCalculateMaxTooltipLength INT Input pArrItfTraceMgrVariables POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF ITraceMgrVariable The POINTER to the array ITraceMgrVariable instances representing the configuration of the variables to trace. iCountVariables INT The effective array size of the array above. xHasTriggerTooltip BOOL A flag indicating, whether the visu element displays also trigger values in tooltip (TRUE, for the trace element) or not (FALSE, for the trend element) itfTimestampLengthProvider ITimestampLengthProvider An instance of ITimestampLengthProvider, that can provide the maximum length of a timestamp
VisuFctGetGradient (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctGetGradient Trasform gradient data for FPlot library InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input pDest POINTER TO VisuFPlot.VisuStructGradientColor Destination structure itfSour IVisuStructTraceGradientColor2 Source structure
VisuFctGetTransparentValue (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctGetTransparentValue : DWORD InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuFctGetTransparentValue DWORD Input iTransp INT
Trend ¶ Function blocks VisuFbMultiTouchHelper (FunctionBlock) GetFirstPinchPotitions (Method) GetLastPinchPotitions (Method) IsIdle (Method) LockOnClient (Method) PinchCount (Property) PinchElaboration (Method) PinchFinish (Method) PinchStart (Method) PinchUpdate (Method) Reset (Method) Helpfunctions TraceFctGetVariableName (Function) TraceFctGetVariableNameW (Function) TrendFctSetComplexElementCallState (Function) TrendGlobalSettings (GVL) debugging TrendFctShowLossOfPrecisionWarning (Function) TrendFctShowUnsupportedFunctionWarning (Function)
Function blocks ¶ VisuFbMultiTouchHelper (FunctionBlock) GetFirstPinchPotitions (Method) GetLastPinchPotitions (Method) IsIdle (Method) LockOnClient (Method) PinchCount (Property) PinchElaboration (Method) PinchFinish (Method) PinchStart (Method) PinchUpdate (Method) Reset (Method)
VisuFbMultiTouchHelper (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbMultiTouchHelper An helper for MultiTouch handling FB that includes ome minimal multitoch activities, it can be a base for the further improvement in other elements ueses. Properties: PinchCount Methods: GetFirstPinchPotitions GetLastPinchPotitions IsIdle LockOnClient PinchElaboration PinchFinish PinchStart PinchUpdate Reset Structure: GetFirstPinchPotitions (Method) GetLastPinchPotitions (Method) IsIdle (Method) LockOnClient (Method) PinchCount (Property) PinchElaboration (Method) PinchFinish (Method) PinchStart (Method) PinchUpdate (Method) Reset (Method)
VisuFbMultiTouchHelper.GetFirstPinchPotitions (METH) ¶ METHOD GetFirstPinchPotitions InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Output iFirstPinchPosX1 INT X Point finger 1 iFirstPinchPosY1 INT Y Point finger 1 iFirstPinchPosX2 INT X Point finger 2 iFirstPinchPosY2 INT Y Point finger 2
VisuFbMultiTouchHelper.GetLastPinchPotitions (METH) ¶ METHOD GetLastPinchPotitions InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Output iLastPinchPosX1 INT X Point finger 1 iLastPinchPosY1 INT Y Point finger 1 iLastPinchPosX2 INT X Point finger 2 iLastPinchPosY2 INT Y Point finger 2
VisuFbMultiTouchHelper.IsIdle (METH) ¶ METHOD IsIdle : BOOL It returns if it’s ready to accept a new activity InOut: Scope Name Type Return IsIdle BOOL
EnXYChartDataProviderCurveVar (ENUM) ¶ TYPE EnXYChartDataProviderCurveVar : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment CURS_VARIABLE Cursor position variable INDEXMIN_VARIABLE Variable of minimum index value for curve array INDEXMAX_VARIABLE Variable of maximum index value for curve array