GenericVariable Interface to handle [...] GenericVariable GetValueREAL [...] GenericVariable SetValueREAL
FctGetRecordSizeFactor : REAL This function [...] used to control the [...] number of records to
formulas are used to [...] . Index 0 refers to the master, index 1 to the
to the network. This method has to [...] continiously (real time
ShmRead DWORD Input hShm DWORD Handle to [...] ShmRead : DWORD InOut: Scope
ShmWrite DWORD Input hShm DWORD Handle to [...] ShmWrite : DWORD InOut: Scope
related to the master [...] position related to the [...] EditorMasterMin REAL The minimum
to interpret the [...] Value REAL Literal value in case of REAL lr
used to initialize [...] command structures to be added to the
Byte (Function) PackBitsToDword [...] Word (Function) PackBytesToDword [...] Word (Function) PackWordsToDword