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(with value in [0 [...] (with value in [0 [...] value in [0,1]) (for
value of the angle passing by standard [...] online elaboration In
value of the angle passing by standard properties InOut: Scope
-position (with value in [...] -position (with value in [...] value in [0,1]) (for
-position (with value in [...] (with value in [0 [...] _TRAFOF_GANTRY2 can be connected to
ManagerListener InOut: Name Type [...] ClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to a
-position (with value in [...] (with value in [0 [...] transformations see Overview to
how to use the TEXT type. InOut: Scope [...] TextFromString ERROR Inout Const sValue
how to use the TEXT type. InOut: Scope [...] TextFromWString ERROR Inout Const wsValue