Converter_Type: String pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
Info data from a Profinet [...] Common.DeviceInfo The data of the
Prev AxisInterpolateData dCur AxisInterpolateData
two data points and [...] last two data points
AxisProperties (Method) GetConfigurationDataSize (Method) GetDefaultConfigurationData
Comment Inout tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_Data [...] IEC61850_AT_AnalogueValue Minimum value of data
methods. Methods: AfterReadingData [...] ReadingVariableValuesOfRow BeforeReadingData [...] ContinueReading FinalizeReading FirstData
Area ¶ Think about data [...] of data structures [...] as a block of data
and “data model [...] Supported and dataModel. If the “data model
ICmpIoDrvProfibus ¶ ClearData (Method) Freeze (Method) Sync