VisuFbAnalyzeTextVarsDateTimeOnly.GetAsLWORD (METH) ¶ METHOD GetAsLWORD : LWORD Takes the current variable value and converts it into a LWORD value. This method can be only used if the variable’s type is DATE, DT, LDATE or LDT. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetAsLWORD LWORD
VisuEnumBrushStyle (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumBrushStyle : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name BS_SOLID BS_HOLLOW
VisuEnumCreateTemporaryRenderLocationFlags (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumCreateTemporaryRenderLocationFlags : InOut: Name Initial WITH_BACKGROUND 16#1
VisuEnumFileTransferError (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumFileTransferError : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment OK ERROR CANCELLED IN_PROGRESS TRANSFER_FAILED TIMEOUT This error code will be also used if client has been closed during a transfer FILE_READ_ERROR FILE_TRANSFER_SERVICES_NOT_SUPPORTED TRANSFER_INCOMPLETE An error situation when transferrring data from the visualization to the plc by streaming. Transfer completed, but some data was lost. NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS
Tap Awareness ¶ VisuFbAnalyzeStateVarsTapAware (FunctionBlock) VisuFbMoveAbsoluteTapAware (FunctionBlock) Execute (Method) prvIsChangedToPreviousCall (Method) VisuFbMoveAbsoluteTapAwareF (FunctionBlock) Execute (Method) prvIsChangedToPreviousCall (Method) VisuFbMoveRelativeTapAware (FunctionBlock) prvIsChangedToPreviousCall (Method)
VisuFbAnalyzeStateVarsTapAware (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbAnalyzeStateVarsTapAware EXTENDS VisuFbAnalyzeStateVars InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inherited from Input State VisuStructElementState set as Variable VisuFbAnalyzeStateVars wStateVarsValid WORD set according to used Variables VisuFbAnalyzeStateVars Inout _EffectiveState VisuStructElementState evtl. as Parameter to Method Execute VisuFbAnalyzeStateVars
VisuFbMoveAbsoluteTapAware (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbMoveAbsoluteTapAware EXTENDS VisuFbMoveAbsolute InOut: Scope Name Type Inherited from Input Data VisuStructMoveAbsoluteData VisuFbMoveAbsolute Methods: Execute prvIsChangedToPreviousCall Structure: Execute (Method) prvIsChangedToPreviousCall (Method)
VisuEnumActionType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumActionType : enum for different action, which can be used as inputaction can be extended if needed. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Undefined 0 OpenDialog
VisuEnumAfterTransformation (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumAfterTransformation : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial None 0 DecreaseBottomRight 16#1 DecreaseUpLeft 16#2 IncreaseBottomRight 16#4 IncreaseUpLeft 16#8
VisuEnumAttachedElementLocation (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumAttachedElementLocation : This enumeration describes the possible locations of attached visual elements. The enum members are self-explanatory. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment UNDEFINED Indicates the absence of a value ABOVE LEFT RIGHT BELOW