, the error code is [...] _byLocalError, the FSoE state [...] code FSOEDIAG
to state there are [...] contains the error code. Code-Example PROGRAM
ApplicationV3 ¶ Enums InternalState [...] Monitoring CodeWriter (FunctionBlock) Code
2CheckCallerContext (Function) SIL2CopyCode [...] 2OEMGetCallerContext (Function) SIL2OEMGetMemoryState
are area code [...] redundancy state DP [...] redundancy state DP
below) pudState [...] system error code (see [...] := 'test.txt' ; State
UaId_ExpandedNodeId 18 OpcUaId_StatusCode [...] UaId_UABinaryFileDataType 15006 OpcUaId_PubSubState [...] UaId_RedundancySupport 851 OpcUaId_ServerState
. The method GetModelState [...] small amount of code [...] Configuration2 (Method) GetModelState
SpecifiedSettingsReadOnChange (Interface) IDriverStateMachine (Interface) IDriverStateMachine2 (Interface) IDriverState
_CmpAppRegisterBootproject WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpAppOperatingStateChanged WORD 16#A EVTVERSION_CmpAppOperatingState [...] _CmpAppCommCycle WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpAppState