: standstill 4: discrete_motion 5: continuous_motion 6: synchronized_motion
: standstill 4: discrete_motion 5: continuous_motion 6: synchronized_motion
: standstill 4: discrete_motion 5: continuous_motion 6: synchronized_motion
to process this [...] data structure. The fields of this data
to process this [...] data structure. This data structure
_VUM_DATASERVER_ERROR 16#500F DataServer ProcessData
.17.0.0 Categories : Intern|SoftMotion [...] SoftMotion Robotics [...] ElemRange_ContainsId (Function) PathElem_AddData
for process data dw [...] Size : DWORD ; pbyOutData : POINTER TO BYTE ; pbyInData
_StringStream2 (FunctionBlock) AppendData [...] ) SetEndOfData [...] (Method) EndOfData
the data pct [...] .gc_hINVALID THEN //TODO: Process message (CL2.GetMessageData