ScaleValues Method to set the [...] VisutransformScaleXMul REAL VisutransformScaleYMul REAL
. Index 0 refers to the master, index 1 to the [...] EditorMasterMin REAL The minimum
. Index 0 refers to the master, index 1 to the [...] EditorMasterMin REAL The minimum
. Index 0 refers to the master, index 1 to the [...] EditorMasterMin REAL The minimum
. Index 0 refers to the master, index 1 to the [...] EditorMasterMin REAL The minimum
. Index 0 refers to the master, index 1 to the [...] EditorMasterMin REAL The minimum
FctGetLineJoinMiterLimit : REAL InOut: Scope [...] FctGetLineJoinMiterLimit REAL Input pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
: ConvertToLREAL ConvertToREAL ConvertToString Set [...] LREAL (Method) ConvertToREAL
to provide [...] contains parameters to [...] Points to the variable
_ArrayOfLReal_NotEqual (Function) REAL Assert_ArrayOfReal_Contains (Function) Assert_ArrayOfReal_ContainsAllOf (Function) Assert_ArrayOfReal