_RampOutCorr : BOOL Translates the object corresp. to the [...] _RampOutCorr BOOL Input pg
_SubVector : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] _SubVector BOOL Input pv1 POINTER TO SMC
HeartbeatConsumerSettings Helps to decode the [...] NodeID BYTE NodeID of the
HeartbeatConsumerSettings Helps to encode the [...] NodeID BYTE NodeID of the
_ValidationBackup InspectionLevel to be [...] CycleTime BYTE 0 : As fast as
PaintAfterAllDialog2 : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] PaintAfterAllDialog2 BOOL Input pRect POINTER TO
to be received cob [...] of message to be received xRTRValue BOOL
TO BYTE A pointer to the [...] - POINTER TO Visu
TO BYTE A pointer to the [...] - POINTER TO Visu