AlarmStorageLimit.Increment (METH) ¶ METHOD Increment Increments the current number (if active) InOut: Scope Name Type Input count CAA.COUNT
AlarmStorageLimit.SetLimit (METH) ¶ METHOD SetLimit : BOOL This method changes the allowed number of alarms that are kept in memory. Please remark that only a single call during initialization is allowed. Changes afterwards are not supported InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetLimit BOOL Input uxiLimit CAA.COUNT
IsStateWaitingForConfirmation (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IsStateWaitingForConfirmation : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return IsStateWaitingForConfirmation BOOL Input eState AlarmState
TextHelper (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK TextHelper Utility function block wrapping creation and destruction of STO.TEXT InOut: Scope Name Type Output text STO.TEXT Methods: FB_Exit FromString FromWString Structure: FB_Exit (Method) FromString (Method) FromWString (Method)
TextHelper.FB_Exit (METH) ¶ METHOD FB_Exit : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return FB_Exit BOOL Input bInCopyCode BOOL
AlarmEvaluator.prvProcessAcknowledgement (METH) ¶ METHOD prvProcessAcknowledgement Processes the “acknowledge” flag, that leads to a state transition, that might InOut: Scope Name Type Input alarm REFERENCE TO Alarm
AlarmEvaluator.prvProcessHigherPriorityAlarm (METH) ¶ METHOD prvProcessHigherPriorityAlarm Checks, whether the passed alarm is “shadowed” by a higher priority alarm, i.e. is automatically acknowledged by such an alarm. InOut: Scope Name Type Input alarm REFERENCE TO Alarm
Function blocks ¶ DatabaseSizeLimit (FunctionBlock) CheckForSizeLimit (Method) IDatabaseSizeLimit LastReorderingTime (Property) ReorderingCount (Property) Initialize (Method) IsBlocked (Property) DefaultAlarmFilterCriteria (FunctionBlock) Utilities AlarmCommentHelper (FunctionBlock) CopyWStringToAlarmComment (Method) FreeAlarmComment (Method) AlarmEvaluator (FunctionBlock) prvPreprocessAlarmActivation (Method) prvPreprocessEventActivation (Method) prvProcessAcknowledgement (Method) prvProcessHigherPriorityAlarm (Method) AlarmStorageLimit (FunctionBlock) Active (Property) Decrement (Method) Increment (Method) SetLimit (Method) IsStateWaitingForConfirmation (Function) TextHelper (FunctionBlock) FB_Exit (Method) FromString (Method) FromWString (Method)
AlarmStorageLimit (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK AlarmStorageLimit InOut: Scope Name Type Input _uxiLimit CAA.COUNT Properties: Active Methods: Decrement Increment SetLimit Structure: Active (Property) Decrement (Method) Increment (Method) SetLimit (Method)
AlarmStorageLimit.Active (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Active : BOOL