AlarmEvaluation_Prg (PRG) ¶ PROGRAM AlarmEvaluation_Prg This program handles the evaluation of alarm conditions. Active alarms are added to an alarm queue and will be stored in a separate task (if active).
AlarmStorage_Prg (PRG) ¶ PROGRAM AlarmStorage_Prg This program handles storing of alarms.
Enumerations ¶ AlarmState (Enum) AlarmStateTransition (Enum) EAlarmType (Enum) EDBActiveIndex (Enum) EDBType (Enum) EFilterLatchContent (Enum) EFilterTimeRangeType (Enum)
AlarmState (ENUM) ¶ TYPE AlarmState : This enumeration defines the possible states an alarm can have. InOut: Name Initial Comment NotDefined 16#FF Alarm is not active. Normal 0 Alarm is not active. Active 2 Alarm is active (alarm condition is true). WaitingForConfirmation 3 Alarm is no longer active, but has to be confirmed. ActiveAcknowledged 4 Alarm is still active, has to be acknowledged. InactiveUnacknowledged 5 Alarm is inactive, has to be acknowledged. Pending 1 An state indicating, that the alarm condition is true, but the alarm is not yet in the state “Active”
AlarmCommentHelper (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK AlarmCommentHelper Methods: CopyWStringToAlarmComment FreeAlarmComment Structure: CopyWStringToAlarmComment (Method) FreeAlarmComment (Method)
AlarmCommentHelper.CopyWStringToAlarmComment (METH) ¶ METHOD CopyWStringToAlarmComment : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return CopyWStringToAlarmComment BOOL Input pwsComment POINTER TO WSTRING pwsUserId POINTER TO WSTRING Inout alarmComment AlarmComment
AlarmCommentHelper.FreeAlarmComment (METH) ¶ METHOD FreeAlarmComment : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return FreeAlarmComment BOOL Inout alarmComment AlarmComment
AlarmEvaluator (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK AlarmEvaluator Methods: prvPreprocessAlarmActivation prvPreprocessEventActivation prvProcessAcknowledgement prvProcessHigherPriorityAlarm Structure: prvPreprocessAlarmActivation (Method) prvPreprocessEventActivation (Method) prvProcessAcknowledgement (Method) prvProcessHigherPriorityAlarm (Method)
AlarmEvaluator.prvPreprocessAlarmActivation (METH) ¶ METHOD prvPreprocessAlarmActivation Determines, whether a “normal” alarm (i.e. not an event) has to be added to the list of active alarms by evaluating the alarm condition InOut: Scope Name Type Input alarm REFERENCE TO Alarm itfValueProvider IValueProvider
AlarmEvaluator.prvPreprocessEventActivation (METH) ¶ METHOD prvPreprocessEventActivation This method is the counterpart for prvPreprocessAlarmActivation for events. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input event REFERENCE TO Alarm Output bEventNeededStorageLimitCount BOOL Currently the value is used only for events of type REP When TRUE, the event has to be considered in the CyclicCall, for the alarmstorage size, even when not active.