, stops or resets a [...] CommunicationState DED.ERROR eError Input e
tables (e. G. a user [...] instance represents a
to a timestamp uiYear := 2009 uiWeek :=1 e [...] Week :=53 e
only a subset of the [...] from GVL Globals, e [...] .Globals.CurrentClient , or use a own
a regular row In [...] .IDENT Output eError ERROR
behaviour of a mechanical [...] requirements (i.e. manual move of a component
, stops or resets a [...] CommunicationState DED.ERROR Input e
, stops or resets a [...] CommunicationState DED.ERROR Input e
operation to a new value, if necessary. If eSetOpmode <> eOpmode or e
_MAGIC_PROPERTY INT ANY_TO_INT(16#E000) This type is a