AlarmStorageReader.AddAlarmStorageListener (METH) ¶ METHOD AddAlarmStorageListener : EAlarmStorageReaderErrors Adds an IAlarmStorageListener instance. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return AddAlarmStorageListener EAlarmStorageReaderErrors A EAlarmStorageReaderErrors value indicating, whether the processing has been completed successfully or not: EAlarmStorageReaderErrors.NoError: Completed successfully EAlarmStorageReaderErrors.WrongParameter: If the IAlarmStorageListener instance is invalid EAlarmStorageReaderErrors.NoMemory: If the IAlarmStorageListener instance cannot be stored, because no memory available EAlarmStorageReaderErrors.InvalidCall: If there is no alarm storage is available, where the IAlarmStorageListener instance can be registered Input itfAlarmStorageListener IAlarmStorageListener An instance of IAlarmStorageListener, that will be informed every time, when new data has been written into the alarm storage
AlarmStorageReader.ContinueReading (METH) ¶ METHOD ContinueReading : EAlarmStorageReaderErrors Reads data from the alarm storage. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ContinueReading EAlarmStorageReaderErrors A EAlarmStorageReaderErrors value indicating, whether the processing has been completed successfully or not: EAlarmStorageReaderErrors.NoError: Completed successfully EAlarmStorageReaderErrors.InvalidCall: ContinueReading was called without calling method Read before EAlarmStorageReaderErrors.AdditionalReadCallRequired: Reading has been completed successfully, but there is additional call of method ContinueReading necessary to read the rest of the data Input liTimstampFrom LINT The timestamp (when the alarm became active) of the 1st alarm liTimstampTo LINT The timestamp of the last alarm xReadAscending BOOL If this parameter is TRUE, then the rows will be returned by “timestamp active” ascending, otherwise descending itfAlarmStorageReaderConsumer IAlarmStorageReaderConsumer An instance of IAlarmStorageReaderConsumer, to which the data read from the alarm storage will be passed.
AlarmStorageReader.prvRetrieveLatchVarValue (METH) ¶ METHOD prvRetrieveLatchVarValue : STO.ERROR Reads the value of a latch variable from the alarm storage and stores it in the passed IAlarmMetaObjectStub3 instance. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return prvRetrieveLatchVarValue STO.ERROR A STO.ERROR value indicating the success or failure of the operation: NO_ERROR: In case of success WRONG_PARAMETER: If iWhichLatchVar references to an invalid latch variable Input itfDatabaseAccess IDatabaseAccess The instance of IDatabaseAccess, that is used to access the database itfAlarmMetaObjectStub3 IAlarmMetaObjectStub3 An instance of IAlarmMetaObjectStub3, where the values will be stored usiWhichLatchVar USINT The 1-based index of the latch variable.
AlarmStorageReader.SemaphoreAcquire (METH) ¶ METHOD SemaphoreAcquire Acquire semaphore InOut: Scope Name Type Input sWho STRING
AlarmStorageReader.SemaphoreRelease (METH) ¶ METHOD SemaphoreRelease Release semaphore InOut: Scope Name Type Input sWho STRING
private ¶ prvReadAlarmComment (Method) prvReadLatchVarString (Method) prvReadLatchVarString2 (Method) prvRetrieveLatchVarValue (Method) prvTblAlarmFindTimestamp (Method)
AlarmStorageReader.prvReadAlarmComment (METH) ¶ METHOD prvReadAlarmComment InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input idWhichColumn CAA.IDENT we expect only DatabaseIdentifiers.COL_COMMENT_ .. format itfDatabaseAccess4 IDatabaseAccess4 Inout eError STO.ERROR cmtBuffer AlarmComment
AlarmStorageReader.prvReadLatchVarString (METH) ¶ METHOD prvReadLatchVarString : STO.ERROR This method reads for a string latch variable the stored variable value from the table TblLatchVarStrings. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return prvReadLatchVarString STO.ERROR A return value indicating, whether the processing was successful or not. Input liRowID LINT The row id used to read the string from the table TblLatchVarStrings. itfDatabaseAccess IDatabaseAccess The instance of IDatabaseAccess, that is used to access the database byLatchVarType BYTE The type of the latch variable Output cbpString CharBufferPtr Returns the pointer to the [W]STRING, that read from the database and stored in the global StringContainer instance.
AlarmStorageConvertValueToLREAL (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION AlarmStorageConvertValueToLREAL : LREAL Converts a value read from the alarm storage into a LREAL value. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return AlarmStorageConvertValueToLREAL LREAL Input liValue LINT The value, that was read from TblAlarm iType TypeClass A TypeClass value representing the type of the value xValueNULL BOOL Indicates, whether NULL is stored in the alarm storage
AlarmStorageConvertValueToREAL (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION AlarmStorageConvertValueToREAL : REAL Converts a value read from the alarm storage into a REAL value. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return AlarmStorageConvertValueToREAL REAL Input liValue LINT The value, that was read from TblAlarm iType TypeClass A TypeClass value representing the type of the value xValueNULL BOOL Indicates, whether NULL is stored in the alarm storage