ADDR_TYPE (UNION) ¶ TYPE ADDR_TYPE : UNION Uniform data structure (UNION) for physical identification of a slot of a PROFIBUS DP-slave or subslot of a PROFINET IO Device. (see: AddressConcept , ADDR_TO_ID , ID_TO_ADDR ) InOut: Name Type Comment SYSTEM IO_SYSTEM_TYPE 1 = DP, 2 = PROFINET IO DP DP_ADDR PN PN_ADDR
CREATE_ID (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK CREATE_ID This function block creates a temporary ID from the physical identification of a slot of a PROFIBUS DP-slave or subslot of a PROFINET IO Device which can be used with the Communication Function Blocks. In contrast to the other address conversion functions, it does not retrieve the ID from the projected devices of the application, but creates a temporary assignment of ID and the given address. Use case is for example a Profinet implicit read-service. ( RDREC without established connection CNCT ) Note Implementations may choose to only support a single or a limitted number of these temporary IDs and the underlying services. Code-Example: Profinet implicit read PROGRAM READ_Implicit VAR addr : CommFB.ADDR_TYPE ; createID : CommFB.CREATE_ID ; execRead : BOOL ; rdrec : CommFB.RDREC ; buffer : ARRAY [0..63] OF BYTE ; END_VAR // init address: // (this data might be retrieved by a bus-scan) addr.SYSTEM := CommFB.IO_SYSTEM_TYPE.PROFINET_IO ; addr.PN.D.STATIONNAME := 'pnDevice' ; // 'pnDevice' is some online device addr.PN.D.INSTANCE := 1 ; // typically 0 or 1 createID ( ADDR := addr ); IF ( createID.ENO AND execRead ) THEN // Read data from profinet device rdrec.ID := createID.ID ; // ENO = TRUE, so the ID is valid and can be used for RDREC rdrec.INDEX := TO_INT ( 16#AFF0 ); // I&M1-Data rdrec.MLEN := TO_INT ( SIZEOF ( buffer )); rdrec.RECORD := ADR ( buffer ); rdrec ( REQ := execRead ); IF ( rdrec.VALID OR rdrec.ERROR ) THEN //execution done execRead := FALSE ; rdrec ( REQ := execRead ); END_IF END_IF InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Input EN BOOL TRUE Enable Inout ADDR ADDR_TYPE Data structure to define the address of a slot of a PROFIBUS DP-slave or a subslot of a PROFINET IO Device Output ENO BOOL Provided ID is valid. STATUS DWORD Last detected status, see enum ErrorCode ID DWORD Handle
DP_ADDR (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DP_ADDR : STRUCT data structure for physical/native identification of a slot of a PROFIBUS DP-slave. InOut: Name Type Initial Comment VERSION BYTE 1 Version of the data structure (1= Version 1) D DP_DEVICE_ID Identification of the Field Device SLOT BYTE Slot Number (identification of a slot)
DP_DEVICE_ID (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DP_DEVICE_ID : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment MASTER BYTE DP master interface identification SEGMENT BYTE segment number STATION BYTE station number
ID_TO_ADDR (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK ID_TO_ADDR The function block ID_TO_ADDR converts the handle used for the Communication Function Blocks to the physical identification of a slot of a PROFIBUS DP-slave or subslot of a PROFINET IO Device. Code-Example: see RALARM InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Input EN BOOL TRUE Enable ID DWORD Slot or subslot handle Output ENO BOOL Flag STATUS DWORD Last detected status Inout ADDR ADDR_TYPE Physical address information
PN_ADDR (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE PN_ADDR : STRUCT data structure for physical/native identification or subslot of a PROFINET IO Device. InOut: Name Type Initial Comment VERSION BYTE 1 Version of the data structure (1= Version 1) MASTER BYTE D PN_DEVICE_ID Identification of the Field Device API DWORD application process identifier SLOT WORD Slot Number (identification of a slot) SUBSLOT WORD Subslot Number (identification of a subslot)
ALARMGROUP_ID (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE ALARMGROUP_ID : USINT This type represents the alarmgroup IDs within an alarm configuration
ALARM_ID (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE ALARM_ID : UINT This type represents the alarm IDs within an alarm group
AlarmManager Library Documentation ¶ Company : Intern Title : AlarmManager Version : Categories : Intern|AlarmManager Namespace : AlarmManager Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : AlarmManager Description [ 1 ] ¶ This library contains the IEC components for the alarm handling Contents: ¶ ALARMGROUP_ID (Alias) ALARM_ID (Alias) Access to alarm storage (internal) IAlarmStorageDataComparer IDatabaseAccess only internal Alarm storage API AlarmStorageConvertFromTimestamp (Function) AlarmStorageConvertToTimestamp (Function) AlarmStorageConvertValueToLREAL (Function) AlarmStorageConvertValueToREAL (Function) AlarmStorageConvertValueToString (Function) AlarmStorageGetDefaultText (Function) AlarmStorageGetMessageCount (Function) AlarmStorageGetTextId (Function) AlarmStorageGetTextListName (Function) AlarmStorageReader (FunctionBlock) AlarmStorageReaderGlobals (GVL) AlarmStorageRow (FunctionBlock) AlarmStorageStaticData (Struct) EAlarmComment (Enum) EAlarmStorageReaderErrors (Enum) IAlarmStorageListener (Interface) IAlarmStorageReaderConsumer (Interface) IAlarmStorageReaderConsumer2 (Interface) AlarmEvaluation_Prg (Program) AlarmStorage_Prg (Program) Enumerations AlarmState (Enum) AlarmStateTransition (Enum) EAlarmType (Enum) EDBActiveIndex (Enum) EDBType (Enum) EFilterLatchContent (Enum) EFilterTimeRangeType (Enum) Function blocks DatabaseSizeLimit (FunctionBlock) DefaultAlarmFilterCriteria (FunctionBlock) Utilities Functions AlarmIsIntervalElapsed (Function) CheckNotifiableTransitionOfAlarm (Function) ConvertTimestampToLDateAndTime (Function) DT_to_Timestamp (Function) DT_to_Timestamp2 (Function) Filters FormatCommentValue (Function) FormatTimestamp2 (Function) FormatTypedValue (Function) GetAlarmIDName (Function) GetDatabaseFileSize (Function) GetDatabaseFileSize2 (Function) GetLINTValue (Function) GetLINTValue2 (Function) GetLINTValue3 (Function) GetPStringValue (Function) GetPWStringValue (Function) HasAlarmStorageRecordLimit (Function) MonitorPopulateFilterCriteria (Function) SplitString (Function) Swap Timestamp_to_DT (Function) deprecated GetBooleanProperty (Function) GetCompany (Function) GetNumberProperty (Function) GetTextProperty (Function) GetTitle (Function) GetVersion (Function) GetVersionProperty (Function) Globals AlarmGlobals (GVL) AlarmParams (ParamList) AlarmTestConstants (GVL) ReturnValues (GVL) Interfaces IAlarm (Interface) IAlarm2 (Interface) IAlarm3 (Interface) IAlarm4 (Interface) IAlarm5 (Interface) IAlarm6 (Interface) IAlarm7 (Interface) IAlarmClass (Interface) IAlarmClass2 (Interface) IAlarmConfiguration7 (Interface) IAlarmConfiguration8 (Interface) IAlarmGroup (Interface) IAlarmGroup3 (Interface) IAlarmHandler (Interface) IAlarmHandler2 (Interface) IAlarmHandler3 (Interface) IAlarmHandler4 (Interface) IAlarmHandler5 (Interface) IAlarmHandler6 (Interface) IAlarmHandlerRemoteMonitor (Interface) IAlarmManagerClient (Interface) IAlarmManagerClient2 (Interface) IAlarmNotifiable (Interface) IAlarmRemote (Interface) IAlarmStateChangedEventListener (Interface) IAlarmStateChangedListener (Interface) IAlarmStateChangedListener2 (Interface) IDatabaseFileAlarmStorage8 (Interface) IDatabaseFileAlarmStorage9 (Interface) IResetValueProvider (Interface) Optimized placeholder replacement AlarmLatchAdapter (FunctionBlock) Project Information GetTextProperty2 (Function) Proxy IProxyMonitor (Interface) ProxyEnumState (Enum) ProxyFbHistActiveAlarmsQueue (FunctionBlock) ProxyFbHistAlarmsRowQueue (FunctionBlock) ProxyGVL (GVL) Statistics_LTIME (FunctionBlock) Structures Service AlarmFctWriteLatchVariable (Function) AlarmIndices (Struct) AlarmStorageLatchVariable (Struct) HistoricalActiveAlarmRowID (Struct) Structures LatchVariable (Struct) MonitorDBStatus (Struct) MonitorFilterByDateTime (Struct) MonitorFilterByLatch (Struct) StorageTaskInfo (Struct) TIMESTAMP (Alias) TL_AlarmStatus (TextList) Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on AlarmManager.library, last modified 23.05.2024, 09:49:39. LibDoc The content file AlarmManager.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 23.05.2024, 09:49:44.