COLOR (GVL) ¶ Colors and transparency Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant NOT_DEFINED DINT -1 Aqua DINT 16#FFFF Black DINT 16#0 Blue DINT 16#FF Brown DINT 16#A52A2A Cyan DINT 16#FFFF DarkBlue DINT 16#8B DarkCyan DINT 16#8B8B DarkGray DINT 16#A9A9A9 DarkGreen DINT 16#6400 DarkMagenta DINT 16#8B008B DarkRed DINT 16#8B0000 DimGray DINT 16#696969 Gray DINT 16#808080 Green DINT 16#8000 LightBlue DINT 16#ADD8E6 LightCyan DINT 16#E0FFFF LightGray DINT 16#D3D3D3 LightGreen DINT 16#90EE90 LightYellow DINT 16#FFFFE0 Lime DINT 16#FF00 Magenta DINT 16#FF00FF Maroon DINT 16#800000 Navy DINT 16#80 Olive DINT 16#808000 Purple DINT 16#800080 Red DINT 16#FF0000 Silver DINT 16#C0C0C0 Teal DINT 16#8080 White DINT 16#FFFFFF Yellow DINT 16#FFFF00 TRANSP_NO BYTE 16#FF No trasparent TRANSP_LOW BYTE 16#C0 Low trasparency TRANSP_MEDIUM BYTE 16#80 Medium trasparency TRANSP_HIGH BYTE 16#40 High trasparency TRANSP_FULL BYTE 16#0 Full trasparent
RULER (GVL) ¶ Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant DW_MINMARK DWORD 16#1 draw minor marks DW_MAJMARK DWORD 16#2 draw major marks DW_NUMBER DWORD 16#4 draw numbers DW_NOOVERNUMBER DWORD 16#8 no overwrite numbers in the case the string area overlap one to other DW_LIMIT DWORD 16#10 draw number on axis limit close to bottom rectangle (it depends of direction) DW_FIRST DWORD 16#20 draw always the first number on axis DW_LAST DWORD 16#40 draw always the last number on axis DW_MIDDLE DWORD 16#80 draw always the middle number on axis DW_LINES DWORD 16#100 draw lines LEFT_RIGHT DWORD 16#1000 ruler direction sx->dx BOT_UP DWORD 16#2000 ruler direction bottom->up AXE_RIGHT_SIDE DWORD 16#10000 draw axe in a “right side shape” WHOLE_NUM DWORD 16#20000 maintain the whole number (no reduce in potence) RADIANT REAL 57.2958 NOT_VALID INT -30000
Enums ¶ EColorSetting (Enum) EFillingStyle (Enum) EImageStyle (Enum) ERectSetting (Enum) EShadowStyle (Enum)
EColorSetting (ENUM) ¶ TYPE EColorSetting : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment AXIS 0 Axis color TEXT font number color BACKG background color
EFillingStyle (ENUM) ¶ TYPE EFillingStyle : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial NONE 0 PLAIN GRADIENT
EImageStyle (ENUM) ¶ TYPE EImageStyle : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment ANISOTROPIC 0 strech the image to the rectangle ISOTROPIC strech the image to the rectangle maintaining the proportion FIXED dont strech
ERectSetting (ENUM) ¶ TYPE ERectSetting : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment BG 0 Background rectangle AX Axis rectangle
EShadowStyle (ENUM) ¶ TYPE EShadowStyle : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial NONE 0 DEEPENED RAISED DEEPENED_INNER RAISED_INNER
FunctionBlocks ¶ VisuFbRectF (FunctionBlock) GetAsIntRect (Method) MoveBy (Method) RotateBy (Method) SetAsIntRect (Method)
VisuFbRectF (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbRectF Helper for rectangle manipulation InOut: Scope Name Type Input arrPoints ARRAY [0..3] OF VisuFbPointF Methods: GetAsIntRect MoveBy RotateBy SetAsIntRect Structure: GetAsIntRect (Method) MoveBy (Method) RotateBy (Method) SetAsIntRect (Method)