ListRemoveClient.List (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY List : POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF StructCmdRemoveClient
ListRemoveClient.RemoveAll (METH) ¶ METHOD RemoveAll It removes all the items from the list
ListValueChanged (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK ListValueChanged List to store the data of value changed in variables InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Input Const INVALID_ID UINT 0 Properties: Active Methods: FB_exit GetFirstItem GetNextItem Insert Remove RemoveAll Structure: Active (Property) FB_exit (Method) GetFirstItem (Method) GetNextItem (Method) Insert (Method) Remove (Method) RemoveAll (Method)
ListValueChanged.Active (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Active : INT
ListValueChanged.FB_exit (METH) ¶ METHOD FB_exit : BOOL FB_Exit must be implemented explicitly. If there is an implementation, then the method is called before the controller removes the code of the function block instance (implicit call). The return value is not evaluated. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return FB_Exit BOOL Input bInCopyCode BOOL TRUE: the exit method is called in order to leave the instance which will be copied afterwards (online change).
ListValueChanged.GetFirstItem (METH) ¶ METHOD GetFirstItem : POINTER TO StructValueChanged InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetFirstItem POINTER TO StructValueChanged Input pIterator POINTER TO INT
ListValueChanged.GetNextItem (METH) ¶ METHOD GetNextItem : POINTER TO StructValueChanged InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetNextItem POINTER TO StructValueChanged Input pIterator POINTER TO INT
ListValueChanged.Insert (METH) ¶ METHOD Insert It inserts an item in the list InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input eTypeClass __SYSTEM.TYPE_CLASS The type of the variable which was changed. lwValue LWORD The new value in case of numeric pbValue POINTER TO BYTE The new value in case of it is more long than LWORD (e.g.: string or wstring) uiSzValue UINT The size of the above buffer wArea WORD The area of the variable which was changed. lwOffset LWORD The offset of the variable which was changed.
ListNewLogin.FB_exit (METH) ¶ METHOD FB_exit : BOOL FB_Exit must be implemented explicitly. If there is an implementation, then the method is called before the controller removes the code of the function block instance (implicit call). The return value is not evaluated. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return FB_Exit BOOL Input bInCopyCode BOOL TRUE: the exit method is called in order to leave the instance which will be copied afterwards (online change).
ListNewLogin.Insert (METH) ¶ METHOD Insert It inserts an item in the list InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input ClientType Visu_ClientType Client type dwExternId DWORD External ID pStrDataLogin POINTER TO StructDataLogin Login data