IVisualizationClient.CurrentVisuName (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY CurrentVisuName : STRING Returns the qualified name of the currently active toplevel visualization.
IVisualizationClient.GetClientName (METH) ¶ METHOD GetClientName : STRING Returns the name of the given client if specified in the according configuration of the client which is dependent on the concrete type of client. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetClientName STRING Output xIsValid BOOL TRUE : The client name is configured
IVisualizationClient.GetIPv4Address (METH) ¶ METHOD GetIPv4Address : STRING Returns the IPv4 address of the given client in dotted notation if provided by the client which is typically only done for webvisualizations. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetIPv4Address STRING Output xIsValid BOOL TRUE : The ip address is valid
IVisualizationClient.GetRemoteTargetVisuId (METH) ¶ METHOD GetRemoteTargetVisuId : DWORD Returns the device identification of the given client. This information is only available for remote targetvisualizations starting with InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetRemoteTargetVisuId DWORD Output xIsValid BOOL TRUE : Identification is valid
IVisualizationClient.GetRemoteTargetVisuVersion (METH) ¶ METHOD GetRemoteTargetVisuVersion : VERSION Returns the device version of the given client. This information is only available for remote targetvisualizations starting with InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetRemoteTargetVisuVersion VERSION Output xIsValid BOOL TRUE : Version is valid
IVisualizationClient.InputType (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY InputType : VisuInputType
SMC_ReadQueueFromFile (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SMC_ReadQueueFromFile This function block reads a CNC queue saved by SMC_WriteQueueToFile . It should be called in a low priority background task, because it does file access. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input bExecute BOOL Starts on each rising edge sFileName STRING(255) The file path of the file to be read pbyBufferOutQueue POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to the buffer used for the out queue nSizeOutQueue UDINT The size of the buffer in bytes Output bDone BOOL The input file has been read completely bBusy BOOL Reading is in progress bError BOOL An error occurred during reading ErrorID SMC_ERROR The error ID poqDataOut POINTER TO SMC_OUTQUEUE The out queue containing the read elements iObjectsRead UDINT Number of objects read Structure: CloseFile (Action)
SMC_ReadQueueFromFile.CloseFile (ACT) ¶
SMC_WriteQueueToFile (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SMC_WriteQueueToFile This function block writes a CNC queue to a file. The file can be read by SMC_ReadQueueFromFile . It should be called in a low priority background task, because it does file access. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input bExecute BOOL Starts on each rising edge sFileName STRING(255) The file path of the file to be written. If the file exists, it will be overwritten poqDataIn POINTER TO SMC_OUTQUEUE The input queue to be written pbyBufferOutQueue POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF SMC_GEOINFO Pointer to the buffer used for the out queue nSizeOutQueue UDINT The size of the buffer in bytes Output bDone BOOL The input queue has been written completely bBusy BOOL Writing is in progress bError BOOL An error occurred during writing ErrorID SMC_ERROR The error ID poqDataOut POINTER TO SMC_OUTQUEUE The out queue containing the read elements Structure: CloseFile (Action) DoBeforeLeave (Action)
SMC_WriteQueueToFile.CloseFile (ACT) ¶