ERROR (ENUM) ¶ TYPE ERROR : Errors that might be returned by functionblocks from this library typically using the variable eError. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment NO_ERROR TIME_OUT NOT_CALLED_FROM_VISU NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_INTEGRATED_VISU ERROR TRANSFER_CANCELLED TRANSER_IN_PROGRESS TRANSFER_FAILED FILE_READ_ERROR VISU_NOT_FOUND No visualization with the given name found. NO_CLIENT_FILTER No clientFilter (e.g. as FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase.clientFilter ) was set so the action cannot be executed at all. NO_ITERATION_CALLBACK No callback for the iteration was passed FILE_TRANSFER_SERVICES_NOT_SUPPORTED The file transfer services are not supported BLOCKED_DUE_TO_ONLINECHANGE The operation is currently not possible because an online change is in progress CANCELLED_DUE_TO_ONLINE_CHANGE The operation was cancelled because an online change was executed between start and end of the operation
VisuClientType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuClientType : The client type. Similar to VisuElemBase.Visu_ClientType, but only containing the clients, needed here. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment Unknown 16#0 ProgrammingSystem 16#1 TargetVisualization 16#4 WebVisualization 16#8 RemoteTargetVisualization 16#10 AllRemoteVisualizations 16#1B 1 | 2 | 8 | 16
VisuInputType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuInputType : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Keyboard 0 Touchscreen 1
Visu Interfaces Library Documentation ¶ Company : System Title : Visu Interfaces Version : Categories : Intern|Visu Namespace : Visu_Interfaces Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Description [ 1 ] ¶ This library defines the interfaces the visualization consists of. Contents: ¶ IGlobalClientManagerListener (Interface) ClientCreated (Method) ClientDestroyed (Method) IVisuGlobalClientManager2 (Interface) AddGlobalClientManagerListener (Method) IVisuGlobalClientManager3 (Interface) UnregisterClient (Method) Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on Visu_Itfs.library, last modified 13.12.2023, 11:15:39. LibDoc The content file Visu_Itfs.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 13.12.2023, 11:15:40.
IGlobalClientManagerListener (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IGlobalClientManagerListener EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface This interface must be implemented by function blocks, that want to be notified if a client is created or destroyed. Methods: ClientCreated ClientDestroyed Structure: ClientCreated (Method) ClientDestroyed (Method)
IGlobalClientManagerListener.ClientCreated (METH) ¶ METHOD ClientCreated Notification, that a client has been created. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iGlobalClientID INT The global id of the client eVisuClientType Visu_ClientTypeItf The type of the client
IGlobalClientManagerListener.ClientDestroyed (METH) ¶ METHOD ClientDestroyed Notification, that a client has been destroyed InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iGlobalClientID INT The global id of the client eVisuClientType Visu_ClientTypeItf The type of the client
IVisuGlobalClientManager2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IVisuGlobalClientManager2 EXTENDS IVisuGlobalClientManager the interface of the global client manager can be used to register globally visualization clients of all types which become a zero based unique client id Methods: AddGlobalClientManagerListener Structure: AddGlobalClientManagerListener (Method)
IVisuGlobalClientManager2.AddGlobalClientManagerListener (METH) ¶ METHOD AddGlobalClientManagerListener : BOOL Adds an IGlobalClientManagerListener instance that will be notified when a client is created or destroyed. Returns TRUE if the IGlobalClientManagerListener instance could be added successfully. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return AddGlobalClientManagerListener BOOL Input itfGlobalClientManagerListener IGlobalClientManagerListener IGlobalClientManagerListener instance to add
IVisuGlobalClientManager3 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IVisuGlobalClientManager3 EXTENDS IVisuGlobalClientManager2 the interface of the global client manager can be used to register globally visualization clients of all types which become a zero based unique client id Methods: UnregisterClient AddGlobalClientManagerListener , inherited from IVisuGlobalClientManager2 Structure: UnregisterClient (Method)