recording at the global [...] manager. InOut: Scope [...] ] OF ITraceMgrVariable
Log.LogClass.LOG_ALL This global variable
SymbolicVarsBase.Variable [...] InfoCollectsToplevelAddressInfo InOut: Scope Name [...] Variable
Out: Scope Name Type [...] LINTValue BOOL Input pVariable POINTER TO DWORD eVariable
VarInfo EXTENDS SymbolicVarsBase.Variable [...] VarsBase.IArrayNotifiable InOut: Scope Name [...] Variable
variable. Node [...] denotes a variable [...] * VariableFlag below
recording at the global [...] manager. InOut: Scope [...] ] OF ITraceMgrVariable
a given variable [...] . InOut: Scope Name [...] application pszVariable
preregister variable lists [...] created variable list [...] variable lists is not
color of a variable [...] TrendConfiguration. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable