ID of a profinet device or submodule.
_PACKET_HEADER_T hDevice [...] Profinet error code
DEVICENET 16#4 Device [...] CAT PROFINET_IO 16#6 ProfiNet
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input deviceInstance [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS Adds device object [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_DWORD The BACnet device
= ProfinetDevice state [...] 2 = Device not [...] started 10 = Profinet
to a Profinet device, see DCP
Comment Constant dwPARAMID_SAFETYIOSERVICE_INSTANCE [...] Store instance pointer in Device
= ProfinetDevice state [...] 2 = Device not [...] started 10 = Profinet
free. ParamScanStartOfInstance [...] assembly instance scanned by device scan
StationName ConfigError Input pnDevice [...] Profinet Controllers