Hostname REFERENCE TO STRING Official name of host [...] STRING Pointer to list
Type ServerUri OpcUa_String ProductUri OpcUa_String NoOf
RemoteIpAddr UDINT usRemoteNameOfStationLen UINT abRemoteNameOfStation STRING(239) t
Type nNumOf [...] ] OF POINTER TO STRING
STRING of the [...] represents the type of the name of an item
Assert_ArrayOfString_Contains (Function) Assert_ArrayOfString_ContainsAllOf (Function) Assert_ArrayOfString_ContainsNoneOf
Copies a string from a [...] array of characters into a string object
) ¶ FUNCTION DELETE : STRING [...] number of characters from a string DELETE
Component REFERENCE TO STRING Name of component pszKey REFERENCE TO STRING Name
DefinitionName STRING Name of the [...] description of all possible [...] RecipeName STRING Name