VisuFbTickMarkDrawer2.prvProcessMinorTickMarks (METH) ¶ METHOD prvProcessMinorTickMarks This method draws the minor tick marks. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input diNumMinorTickMarks DINT The number of minor tick marks to draw eWhichTickMark VisuEnumMinorTickmark A VisuEnumMinorTickmark value describing the kind of minor tick marks to draw diIndexMajor DINT The 0-relative index if the major tick mark the minor tick mark belongs to. Only relevant if eWhichTickMark = VisuEnumMinorTickmark.NORMAL itfTickMarkProvider ITickMarkProvider The ITickMarkProvider instance providing the parameters for drawing the minor tick marks vecDelta VisuStructVector Same parameter like in IPlotAxisTickMarkTraverserClient.ProcessMinorTickMarks vecTickDir VisuStructVector Same parameter like in IPlotAxisTickMarkTraverserClient.ProcessMinorTickMarks
Private ¶ Functions VisuFctGetShadowColor (Function)
Functions ¶ VisuFctGetShadowColor (Function)
VisuFctGetShadowColor (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctGetShadowColor : DWORD Get shadow color for light line and dark line InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return VisuFctGetShadowColor DWORD Input dwOriginalColor DWORD original color xGetDark BOOL true to get dark color
Public ¶ Constants COLOR (GVL) RULER (GVL) Enums EColorSetting (Enum) EFillingStyle (Enum) EImageStyle (Enum) ERectSetting (Enum) EShadowStyle (Enum) FunctionBlocks VisuFbRectF (FunctionBlock) GetAsIntRect (Method) MoveBy (Method) RotateBy (Method) SetAsIntRect (Method) Functions VisuFctDrawCircle (Function) VisuFctDrawDot (Function) VisuFctDrawDot2 (Function) VisuFctDrawImage (Function) VisuFctDrawLine (Function) VisuFctDrawLineEx (Function) VisuFctDrawLineExUntransformed (Function) VisuFctDrawLineUntransformed (Function) VisuFctDrawPolygon (Function) VisuFctDrawPolyline (Function) VisuFctDrawPolyline2 (Function) VisuFctDrawText (Function) VisuFctFillPolygon (Function) VisuFctFillPolygon2 (Function) VisuFctFillPolygon3 (Function) VisuFctFillRectangle (Function) VisuFctGetMeasureStringApprox (Function) VisuFctGetRectHeight (Function) VisuFctGetRectWidth (Function) Interfaces IFrame (Interface) GetInnerPaintRect (Method) Paint (Method) SetFillParams (Method) SetFrameParams (Method) SetImage (Method) SetPosition (Method) SetShadowParams (Method) ILRealToStringFormatter (Interface) ValueToStr (Method)
VisuFPlot Library Documentation ¶ Company : Intern Title : VisuFPlot Version : Categories : Intern|Visu Namespace : VisuFPlot Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : VisuFPlot Description [ 1 ] ¶ This library contains the plotting functionality used by the trace element Contents: ¶ Internal TrendFctShowUnsupportedFunctionWarning (Function) VisuFbTickMarkDrawer2 (FunctionBlock) Private Functions Public Constants Enums FunctionBlocks Functions Interfaces Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on VisuFPlot.library, last modified 13.12.2023, 11:15:01. LibDoc The content file VisuFPlot.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 13.12.2023, 11:15:07.
Internal ¶ TrendFctShowUnsupportedFunctionWarning (Function) VisuFbTickMarkDrawer2 (FunctionBlock) IPlotAxisTickMarkTraverserClient2 BeforeTraversal2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarks2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksLeading (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksTrailing (Method) private prvProcessMinorTickMarks (Method)
TrendFctShowUnsupportedFunctionWarning (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION TrendFctShowUnsupportedFunctionWarning This function is used to determine the situation, where unsupported functionality is called, where normally a newer function or method is supposed to be called. Activated by conditional compilation (compiler define TREND_SHOW_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION_WARNING)
VisuFbTickMarkDrawer2 (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbTickMarkDrawer2 EXTENDS VisuFbTickMarkDrawer IMPLEMENTS IPlotAxisTickMarkTraverserClient2 InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Inherited from Input m_itfDrawContext IDrawContext The IDrawContext instance, where this class draws VisuFbTickMarkDrawer itfPlotAxis2 IPlotAxis2 The IPlotAxis2 instance, that is currently drawn VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_itfDiagrams IPlotDiagramEnumerable VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_iNumRowsOfAxisLabels INT 1 The number of rows the labels of the axis span. VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_xDrawGridLines BOOL Flag indicating, whether the grid lines have to be drawn (TRUE) or not (FALSE). VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_xDrawAlternatingBackground BOOL Flag indicating, whether a background using the two colors has to be drawn VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_dwBackgroundFirstColor DWORD The two colors for the background, coming from the currently selected visualization style VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_dwBackgroundSecondColor DWORD VisuFbTickMarkDrawer Methods: BeforeTraversal2 ProcessMinorTickMarks2 ProcessMinorTickMarksLeading ProcessMinorTickMarksTrailing prvProcessMinorTickMarks Structure: IPlotAxisTickMarkTraverserClient2 BeforeTraversal2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarks2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksLeading (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksTrailing (Method) private prvProcessMinorTickMarks (Method)
IPlotAxisTickMarkTraverserClient2 ¶ BeforeTraversal2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarks2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksLeading (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksTrailing (Method)