VisuDlg_ProcessBack (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuDlg_ProcessBack This function call ProcessBack2 which processes the <back> character according to the caret position and/or the current selection. xPassword is set on false InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout stOutputValue STRING This is the string representation of the variable value, that will be displayed in the visualization. If the flag xPassword is TRUE the variable value will be display with password characters stVariableValue STRING This parameter is the variable value, where the character is appended/inserted iCaretPosition INT The current position of the caret. Either within the text or at the end of the text iSelectionStart INT The start of the selected text (1-relative) iSelectionEnd INT The end of the selected text (1-relative). If the complete text is selected this parameter is textlength + 1 bInit BOOL Initialize of global value, should be done with the first action.
VisuDlg_ProcessBack2 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuDlg_ProcessBack2 This function processes the <back> character according to the caret position and/or the current selection. ProcessBack2 use xPassword as an Input Value for calculate the correct caretposition at utf8-encoding InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout stOutputValue STRING This is the string representation of the variable value, that will be displayed in the visualization. If the flag xPassword is TRUE the variable value will be display with password characters stVariableValue STRING This parameter is the variable value, where the character is appended/inserted iCaretPosition INT The current position of the caret. Either within the text or at the end of the text iSelectionStart INT The start of the selected text (1-relative) iSelectionEnd INT The end of the selected text (1-relative). If the complete text is selected this parameter is textlength + 1 bInit BOOL Initialize of global value, should be done with the first action. Input xPassword BOOL Inidicates, whether the entered value should be readable (FALSE) or displayed with password characters
VisuDlg_ProcessBackPrepare (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuDlg_ProcessBackPrepare This function processes the <back> character according to the caret position and/or the current selection. Additional, values for the numpadextended will be initialised once InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout stOutputValue STRING This is the string representation of the variable value, that will be displayed in the visualization. If the flag xPassword is TRUE the variable value will be display with password characters stVariableValue STRING This parameter is the variable value, where the character is appended/inserted iCaretPosition INT The current position of the caret. Either within the text or at the end of the text iSelectionStart INT The start of the selected text (1-relative) iSelectionEnd INT The end of the selected text (1-relative). If the complete text is selected this parameter is textlength + 1 bInit BOOL Initialize of global value, should be done with the first action. Input xPassword BOOL Inidicates, whether the entered value should be readable (FALSE) or displayed with password characters
VisuDlgUtil_AdjustCaretAndSelectionAfterNumberFormatChange (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuDlgUtil_AdjustCaretAndSelectionAfterNumberFormatChange This help function has to be called whenever the number format was changed. It adjusts the caret and/or selection accordingly InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iTextLengthBeforeChange INT The length of the variable value before the number format was changed stVariableValue STRING The the variable value after the number format was changed Inout iCaretPosition INT The current position of the caret. Either within the text or at the end of the text iSelectionStart INT The start of the selected text (1-relative) iSelectionEnd INT The end of the selected text (1-relative).
VisuDlgUtil_CloseNumpadExtended (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuDlgUtil_CloseNumpadExtended : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return VisuDlgUtil_CloseNumpadExtended BOOL TRUE if the number format was changed from hexadecimal to decimal, FALSE if no change of the number format was done. If previous versions of this function the return value was always FALSE (because not asssigned) and therefore the return value TRUE is no incompatible change. Inout stOutputValue STRING stVariableValue STRING stMin STRING stMax STRING iFormatValue INT bInitFormatValue BOOL Input flags DWORD
VisuDlgUtil_CloseNumpadExtended2 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuDlgUtil_CloseNumpadExtended2 : BOOL This is an enhancement of function VisuDlgUtil_CloseNumpadExtended, that also adjusts the caret position and/or the selection. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return VisuDlgUtil_CloseNumpadExtended2 BOOL Always FALSE, do not use it Inout stOutputValue STRING stVariableValue STRING stMin STRING stMax STRING iFormatValue INT bInitFormatValue BOOL iCaretPosition INT The current position of the caret. Either within the text or at the end of the text iSelectionStart INT The start of the selected text (1-relative) iSelectionEnd INT The end of the selected text (1-relative). Input flags DWORD
VisuDlgUtil_FormatExpToG (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuDlgUtil_FormatExpToG : STRING InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuDlgUtil_FormatExpToG STRING Input stValue STRING
VisuDlgUtil_FormatValueToDec (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuDlgUtil_FormatValueToDec : STRING InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return VisuDlgUtil_FormatValueToDec STRING Input stVariableValue STRING the value as string, in hex format
VisuDlgUtil_FormatValueToHex (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuDlgUtil_FormatValueToHex : STRING InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return VisuDlgUtil_FormatValueToHex STRING Input stVariableValue STRING the value as string, in decimal format
VisuDlgUtil_InitValueFromFlags (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuDlgUtil_InitValueFromFlags : INT for numpad extended: init the radiobutton, using flag values InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuDlgUtil_InitValueFromFlags INT Input flags DWORD Inout bInitFormatValue BOOL iFormatValue INT