AxisReadyForMotion (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION AxisReadyForMotion : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Input wStatusWord WORD Return AxisReadyForMotion BOOL
Configure402StateMachine (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Configure402StateMachine : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Configure402StateMachine BOOL Inout DSP402_Statemachine SMC3_CiA_DSP402_StateMachine
DriveStateMachine (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DriveStateMachine InOut: Scope Name Type Inout eState SMC3_CIA_DSP402_STATE Axis AXIS_REF_SM3 in SMC3_CIA_DSP402_SpecificInputs out SMC3_CIA_DSP402_SpecificOutputs Input bPreApplication BOOL dwDigitalInputs DWORD
inputs_outputs ¶ PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput (Function) ReadAndProcessSpecificInput (Function)
PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Axis Axis_Ref_SM3 dwDigitalOutputs DWORD Input bMaskBitSet BOOL pme POINTER TO SMC3_MappingEntry pdwValue POINTER TO DWORD Return PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput BOOL Output iCaptureNo DINT
ReadAndProcessSpecificInput (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ReadAndProcessSpecificInput : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Axis Axis_Ref_SM3 in SMC3_CIA_DSP402_SpecificInputs specific Specific_Inputs Input pme POINTER TO SMC3_MappingEntry dwValue DWORD Return ReadAndProcessSpecificInput BOOL
latching ¶ PrepareLatchControlWord (Function) ProcessLatchStatusWord (Function)
PrepareLatchControlWord (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION PrepareLatchControlWord : WORD InOut: Scope Name Type Inout aCaptDesc ARRAY [0..7] OF SMC3_CaptureDescription Input iTriggerNumber DINT bRisingEdge BOOL Return PrepareLatchControlWord WORD
ProcessLatchStatusWord (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ProcessLatchStatusWord : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return ProcessLatchStatusWord BOOL Inout Axis AXIS_REF_SM3 Input wLatchStatus WORD byActiveCaptureSources BYTE
File and Project Information ¶ Scope Name Type Content FileHeader creationDateTime date 13.12.2023, 09:02:50 companyName string 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH libraryFile SM3_Drive_Infranor_Pac.library primaryProject True productName CODESYS productProfile CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 contentFile SM3_Drive_Infranor_Pac.clean.json version version ProjectInformation Released bool True LastModificationDateTime date 13.12.2023, 09:02:42 LibraryCategories library-category-list Intern|SoftMotion Author string CODESYS Development GmbH Company CODESYS CompiledLibraryCompatibilityVersion CODESYS V3.5 SP15 DefaultNamespace INF_PAC Description See: Description Placeholder SM3_Drive_Infranor_Pac Project SM3_Drive_Infranor_Pac Title SM3_Drive_Infranor_Pac Version version