AXIS_REF_ETC_PARKER.ConvertTransmitDriveParameter (METH) ¶ METHOD ConvertTransmitDriveParameter : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Input diParameterNumber DINT fValue LREAL bUseDword BOOL pdwValue POINTER TO DWORD Return ConvertTransmitDriveParameter BOOL
AXIS_REF_ETC_PARKER.GetMappedDriveParameter (METH) ¶ METHOD GetMappedDriveParameter : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Input bRead BOOL diParameterNumber DINT Return GetMappedDriveParameter BOOL Output diDriveParameterNumber DINT usiDataLength USINT
AXIS_REF_ETC_PARKER.SMC3_AxisReadyForMotion (METH) ¶ METHOD SMC3_AxisReadyForMotion : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SMC3_AxisReadyForMotion BOOL
inputs_outputs ¶ PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput (Method) ReadAndProcessSpecificInput (Method)
AXIS_REF_ETC_PARKER.PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput (METH) ¶ METHOD PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Input pme POINTER TO SMC3_MappingEntry pdwValue POINTER TO DWORD Return PrepareAndWriteSpecificOutput BOOL
AXIS_REF_ETC_PARKER.ReadAndProcessSpecificInput (METH) ¶ METHOD ReadAndProcessSpecificInput : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Input pme POINTER TO SMC3_MappingEntry dwValue DWORD Return ReadAndProcessSpecificInput BOOL
state machine ¶ CommunicationStateMachine (Method)
AXIS_REF_ETC_PARKER.CommunicationStateMachine (METH) ¶ METHOD CommunicationStateMachine : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return CommunicationStateMachine BOOL
ENCODER_REF_ETC_PARKERC3 (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK ENCODER_REF_ETC_PARKERC3 EXTENDS ENCODER_REF_ETC_SM3 InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Inherited from Input wAxisStructID WORD 16#FE12 AXIS_REF_SM3 nAxisState SMC_AXIS_STATE power_off State of the axis according to the PLCopen state diagram: 0: power_off 1: errorstop 2: stopping 3: standstill 4: discrete_motion 5: continuous_motion 6: synchronized_motion 7: homing Parameter number: 1000 AXIS_REF_SM3 bRegulatorOn BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1010 AXIS_REF_SM3 bDriveStart BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1011 AXIS_REF_SM3 bCommunication BOOL FALSE TRUE : Communication OK Parameter number: 1012 AXIS_REF_SM3 wCommunicationState WORD 16#FFFF Parameter number: 1013 AXIS_REF_SM3 uiDriveInterfaceError UINT Drive interface error number Parameter number: 1014 AXIS_REF_SM3 bRegulatorRealState BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1015 AXIS_REF_SM3 bDriveStartRealState BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1016 AXIS_REF_SM3 wDriveId WORD 0 Parameter number: 1021 AXIS_REF_SM3 iOwner INT 0 Parameter number: 1022 AXIS_REF_SM3 iNoOwner INT 0 Parameter number: 1023 AXIS_REF_SM3 fCycleTimeSpent LREAL Parameter number: 1024 AXIS_REF_SM3 fTaskCycle LREAL 0.005 Parameter number: 1025 AXIS_REF_SM3 bError BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1030 AXIS_REF_SM3 dwErrorID DWORD 0 Drive specific error identifier, parameter number: 1031 AXIS_REF_SM3 bErrorAckn BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1032 AXIS_REF_SM3 bDisableErrorLogging BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1036 AXIS_REF_SM3 fbeFBError ARRAY [0..g_SMC_NUMBER_FB_ERRORS] OF SMC_FBERROR Parameter number: 1035 AXIS_REF_SM3 dwRatioTechUnitsDenom DWORD 1 Parameter number 1051 AXIS_REF_SM3 iRatioTechUnitsNum DINT 1 Parameter number 1052 AXIS_REF_SM3 nDirection MC_Direction positive Parameter number 1053 AXIS_REF_SM3 fScalefactor LREAL 1 Parameter number 1054 AXIS_REF_SM3 fFactorVel LREAL 1 Parameter number 1055 AXIS_REF_SM3 fFactorAcc LREAL 1 Parameter number: 1056 AXIS_REF_SM3 fFactorTor LREAL 1 Parameter number: 1057 AXIS_REF_SM3 fFactorJerk LREAL 1 Factor jerk Parameter number: 1058 AXIS_REF_SM3 fFactorCur LREAL 1 Parameter number: 1059 AXIS_REF_SM3 iMovementType INT SMC_AXIS_TYPE.finite Parameter number: 1060 AXIS_REF_SM3 fPositionPeriod LREAL 1000 Parameter number: 1061 AXIS_REF_SM3 eRampType SMC_RAMPTYPE trapez Parameter number: 1062 AXIS_REF_SM3 byControllerMode BYTE SMC_position Parameter number:1091 AXIS_REF_SM3 byRealControllerMode BYTE SMC_position Parameter number: 1092 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetPosition LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1100, 1 AXIS_REF_SM3 fActPosition LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1101 AXIS_REF_SM3 fAimPosition LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1105 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMarkPosition LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1106 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSavePosition LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1107 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetVelocity LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1110, 11 AXIS_REF_SM3 fActVelocity LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1111, 10 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMaxVelocity LREAL 0 Maximum velocity of the drive (remote parameter) in [u/s] Parameter number: 1112,9 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSWMaxVelocity LREAL 0 Maximum velocity (software limit) in [u/s] Parameter number: 1113 AXIS_REF_SM3 bConstantVelocity BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1115 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMarkVelocity LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1116, 9 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSaveVelocity LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1117 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetAcceleration LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1120 AXIS_REF_SM3 fActAcceleration LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1121 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMaxAcceleration LREAL 0 Maximum acceleration of the drive (remote parameter) in [u/s²] Parameter number: 1122, 13 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSWMaxAcceleration LREAL 0 Maximum acceleration (software limit) in [u/s²] Parameter number: 1123 AXIS_REF_SM3 bAccelerating BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1125 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMarkAcceleration LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1126 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSaveAcceleration LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1127 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMaxDeceleration LREAL 0 Maximum deceleration of the drive (remote parameter) in [u/s²] Parameter number: 1132, 15 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSWMaxDeceleration LREAL 0 Maximum deceleration (software limit) in [u/s²] Parameter number: 1133 AXIS_REF_SM3 bDecelerating BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1135 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSaveDeceleration LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1137 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetJerk LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1140 AXIS_REF_SM3 fActJerk LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1141 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMaxJerk LREAL 0 Maximum jerk of the drive (remote parameter) in [u/s³] Parameter number: 1142, 16 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSWMaxJerk LREAL 0 Maximum jerk (software limit) in [u/s³] Parameter number: 1143 AXIS_REF_SM3 fRampJerk LREAL 100000 Maximum Jerk, special value for sin² ramp type in [u/s³] Parameter number: 1144 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMarkJerk LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1146 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSaveJerk LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1147 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetCurrent LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1150 AXIS_REF_SM3 fActCurrent LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1151 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMaxCurrent LREAL 100 Maximum current in [A] Parameter number: 1152 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSWMaxCurrent LREAL 0 Maximum user defined current in [A] Parameter number: 1153 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetTorque LREAL 0 The set torque in [Nm] or [N] (linear) at the gearbox output. Parameter number: 1160 AXIS_REF_SM3 fActTorque LREAL 0 Actual torque in [Nm] or [N] (linear) at the gearbox output. Parameter number: 1161 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMaxTorque LREAL 0 The maximum torque in [Nm] or [N] (linear) at the gearbox output. Parameter number: 1162 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSWMaxTorque LREAL FPU.GetLRealSpecialVal(FPU.ESpecial_FP_Value.PosInf) The maximum torque (software limit) in [Nm] or [N] (linear) at the gearbox output. Parameter number: 1163 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSWLimitPositive LREAL 0 Position limit in positive direction in [u] Parameter number: 1200, 2 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSWLimitNegative LREAL 0 Position limit in negative direction in [u] Parameter number: 1201, 3 AXIS_REF_SM3 usiSWEndSwitchState USINT 0 Parameter number: 1204 AXIS_REF_SM3 bSWLimitEnable BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1205 AXIS_REF_SM3 bHWLimitEnable BOOL TRUE Parameter number: 1206 AXIS_REF_SM3 bStartReference BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1210 AXIS_REF_SM3 fReference LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1211 AXIS_REF_SM3 bStartReferenceRealState BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1212 AXIS_REF_SM3 fOffsetPosition LREAL 0 Parameter number: 1215 AXIS_REF_SM3 dwPosOffsetForResiduals DWORD 0 Parameter number: 1230 AXIS_REF_SM3 dwOneTurn DWORD 0 Parameter number: 1231 AXIS_REF_SM3 dwLastPosition DWORD 0 Parameter number: 1232 AXIS_REF_SM3 bySwitchingState SMC_SWITCHING_STATE SMC_ST_INITIALIZING Parameter number: 1233 AXIS_REF_SM3 iRestNumerator DINT 0 Parameter number: 1234 AXIS_REF_SM3 iTurn INT 0 Parameter number: 1235 AXIS_REF_SM3 dwPosOffsetForResidualsHoming DWORD 0 Parameter number: 1237 AXIS_REF_SM3 dwActPosition DWORD 0 Parameter number: 1238 AXIS_REF_SM3 dwBusBandWidth DWORD 0 The bus band width, 0 if the bus has 32 bit, 2^k otherwise where 0 < k < 32 is the bus bit depth. Parameter number: 1240 AXIS_REF_SM3 dwBusModuloMask DWORD 16#FFFFFFFF The value (2^k - 1) where k is the bus bit depth. Parameter number ? AXIS_REF_SM3 eBrakeControl SMC3_BrakeSetState SMC_BRAKE_AUTO Parameter number: 1017 AXIS_REF_SM3 bBrakeClosedRealState BOOL FALSE Parameter number: 1018 AXIS_REF_SM3 bOldError BOOL Parameter number: 1033 AXIS_REF_SM3 bVirtual BOOL TRUE : Virtual drive. Parameter number: 1040 AXIS_REF_SM3 bLogical BOOL Parameter number: 1041 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSetActTimeLagCycles LREAL 3 Parameter number: 1070 AXIS_REF_SM3 diSetPosition DINT 0 Parameter number: 1108 AXIS_REF_SM3 diActPosition DINT 0 Parameter number: 1109 AXIS_REF_SM3 diSetVelocity DINT 0 Parameter number: 1118 AXIS_REF_SM3 diActVelocity DINT 0 Parameter number: 1119 AXIS_REF_SM3 diSetAcceleration DINT 0 Parameter number: 1128 AXIS_REF_SM3 diActAcceleration DINT 0 Parameter number: 1129 AXIS_REF_SM3 diSetCurrent DINT 0 Parameter number: 1158 AXIS_REF_SM3 diActCurrent DINT 0 Parameter number: 1159 AXIS_REF_SM3 diSetTorque DINT 0 Parameter number: 1168 AXIS_REF_SM3 diActTorque DINT 0 Parameter number: 1169 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSWLimitDeceleration LREAL 0 Deceleration in [u/s²] with which the system will brake in case of a software limit. Parameter number: 1203 AXIS_REF_SM3 xWaitForHaltWhenStopInterruptsHome BOOL TRUE : When |MC_Home| is interrupted by |MC_Stop| , then``MC_Stop.bDone`` is delayed until the drive reports that it has successfully halted. bStartReferenceRealState = FALSE Parameter number: 1213 AXIS_REF_SM3 fSWErrorMaxDistance LREAL 0 Distance in which the drive has to reach standstill after an error has occurred. Parameter number: 1250 AXIS_REF_SM3 eCheckPositionLag SMC3_CheckPositionLagMode 0 Parameter number: 1207 AXIS_REF_SM3 fMaxPositionLag LREAL Parameter number: 1208 AXIS_REF_SM3 bPositionLagActive BOOL Parameter number: 1209 AXIS_REF_SM3 bModuloDoneByDrive BOOL Parameter number: 1242 AXIS_REF_SM3 diFollowingError DINT Parameter number: 1243 AXIS_REF_SM3 fFollowingError LREAL Parameter number: 1244 AXIS_REF_SM3 aCaptDesc ARRAY [0..7] OF SMC3_CaptureDescription Parameter number: 1400 AXIS_REF_SM3 bRestarting BOOL FALSE AXIS_REF_SM3 xPersistentDataLoaded BOOL FALSE AXIS_REF_SM3 strDriveInterfaceError STRING(255) AXIS_REF_SM3 adatAcyclic ARRAY [1..SMC3_gc_usiNumberAcyclicChannels] OF SMC3_DriveAcyclicTel AXIS_REF_SM3 iLastSinSquareOwner INT -3 Internal: Last owner that constructed a sin² trajectory. AXIS_REF_SM3 bSetValuesModifiedByMoveSuperimposed BOOL Internal: MC_MoveSuperImposed active. Reset to FALSE in AfterReadInputs. AXIS_REF_SM3 nAbortCounter UDINT Internal: counts the number of aborts. This counter simply wraps to 0 when exceeding 2^32-1, so use accordingly. Increased in method SetOwner(). AXIS_REF_SM3 vMinRequiredVersion VERSION The minimum version of SM3_Basic that the driver requires. AXIS_REF_SM3 iRampType1 SMC_TG_IRAMPTYPE Instance of ramp type interface, used for Robotics, acceleration ramp AXIS_REF_SM3 iRampType2 SMC_TG_IRAMPTYPE Instance of ramp type interface, used for Robotics, deceleration ramp AXIS_REF_SM3 bAvoidReversalOnHaltStop BOOL Parameter number: 1260 AXIS_REF_SM3 bConsiderLimitsOfAbortedMotionOnHaltStop BOOL Parameter number: 1270 AXIS_REF_SM3 bUpdateIOsInStop BOOL Update the IOs if the application is stopped. AXIS_REF_SM3 overrideFactors SMRB.DynFactors AXIS_REF_SM3 Output strDriver STRING(16) AXIS_REF_SM3 dwDriverVersion DWORD AXIS_REF_SM3 Properties: DriverName DriverVersion Methods: CommunicationStateMachine ConvertReceivedDriveParameter ConvertTransmitDriveParameter GetMappedDriveParameter GetParamDirectValue PrepareLatchControlWord ProcessLatchStatusWord SetParamDirectValue Structure: DriverName (Property) DriverVersion (Property) Latching PrepareLatchControlWord (Method) ProcessLatchStatusWord (Method) ParameterAccess ConvertReceivedDriveParameter (Method) ConvertTransmitDriveParameter (Method) GetMappedDriveParameter (Method) GetParamDirectValue (Method) SetParamDirectValue (Method) state-machine CommunicationStateMachine (Method)
SM3_Drive_ETC_Schneider_Lexium32 Library Documentation ¶ Company : CODESYS Title : SM3_Drive_ETC_Schneider_Lexium32 Version : Categories : Intern|SoftMotion Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : SM3_Drive_ETC_Schneider_Lexium32 Description [ 1 ] ¶ SoftMotion ETC Lexium32 Contents: ¶ AXIS_REF_ETC_Schneider_Lexium32 (FunctionBlock) DriverName (Property) DriverVersion (Property) ParameterAccess SMC3_AxisReadyForMotion (Method) inputs state-machine SMC3_ETC_Schneider_Lexium32 SMC3_ETC_Schneider_Lexium32_ConfigurationPhase (FunctionBlock) Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on SM3_Drive_ETC_Schneider_Lexium32.library, last modified 13.12.2023, 09:24:57. LibDoc The content file SM3_Drive_ETC_Schneider_Lexium32.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 13.12.2023, 09:25:08.