_VarList := ( wNumberVars := 2 [...] VarListID WORD 16#BBFA [...] NumberVars WORD 0 Contains the
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_GEOINFO . wAddAxis WORD Bit [...] Z: Bit 2 A: Bit 3 [...] AxisOutOfLimits WORD Axes that have
FB ProfileID WORD [...] datalayout 1 = SSP 3.1 2 = SSP 3.2 3 = SSP 3
FB ProfileID WORD [...] datalayout 1 = SSP 3.1 2 = SSP 3.2 3 = SSP 3
.Element IMPLEMENTS CIP_Object.ICIP2 [...] ClassID : WORD := 16#64 ; _str [...] _Object.UnpackedEPATH := ( usiPathSize := 2
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GetParamWord [...] TextProperty (Function) GetTextProperty2 [...] 3.5 SP10 Patch 2 on 17
* / TYPE_BYTE 2 * / TYPE [...] _UNSIGNED8 4 * / TYPE_WORD 5