of local and [...] Properties: IsValueForBit [...] Base GetBit
, their properties and [...] BACnetContents GetBit [...] BACnetDataTypes FromBACnetBit
after some single bit [...] continued and the input and output offset
Flags DWORD OUT: A 32-bit [...] FlagsSupported DWORD OUT: A 32-bit [...] SockRecvMsg() call uses a SOCK
_Min Iec_Bool Iec_Bit [...] _Date Iec_DateAndTime Iec [...] _None Iec_Any Iec_AnyBit
function creates a [...] messages within a [...] . For receiving a
bit key in CBC mode [...] AES 128 bit key in [...] bit key in CBC mode
16bit. A standard [...] > 16bit) Other non [...] TCP. “wide registers” and
Instance LinkTimeoutPortA [...] Addr VendorID InputBitOffset InputBitSize Input
Pointer , ISharedArea Models a reference to a memory [...] bit or 64 bit wide