ITransformation3 ¶ TransformPointInOutOverlay (Method) TransformPointInOut
asynchronously InOut: Name Type Comment pulOut [...] _IEC_RESULT [OUT] Pointer to the
: qualified_only InOut: Name Type g_stGlobalOut
ITransformation2 ¶ TransformPaintRectangleInOutF (Method) TransformPointInOut
specified by handle InOut [...] pulOut POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT [OUT
_only InOut: Name [...] Input data Out Output data InOut Input
SysComPurge : STRUCT InOut: Name Type pulOut POINTER
SysComClose : STRUCT InOut: Name Type pulOut POINTER
_TrafoResult_ArticulatedRobot_6DOF : InOut: Name [...] 6DOF_Result_InvalidConfig 1 TA6DOF_Result_PosOutOfWorkingSpace 2 TA6DOF_Result_OrientationAxesOut
_OpenClass3Connection : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] OUT: state of [...] ConnectionHandle UDINT OUT: Handle of