following pointer. pList POINTER TO WSTRING(255 [...] according to the given
following pointer. pList POINTER TO WSTRING(255 [...] according to the given
following pointer. pList POINTER TO WSTRING(255 [...] according to the given
EventParam POINTER TO EventParam2 Pointer to the event
Register POINTER TO OpcUa_NodeId Pointer to an array of [...] RegisterNodes request to
Unregister POINTER TO OpcUa_NodeId Pointer to an array of [...] UnregisterNodes request to
Write POINTER TO OpcUa_WriteValue Pointer to an array of [...] to the OPC UA
VUM_User3 POINTER TO VUM_User3 pVUM_UserInternal POINTER TO VUM [...] interface library to VUM
Filters POINTER TO RtsX509CertFilter Pointer to array of [...] Result POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
Variable POINTER TO BYTE e [...] .TYPE_CLASS Pointer to a numerical [...] numerical pointer In