Environment ¶ SysGraphicLightBeginPaint (Function) SysGraphicLightEndPaint (Function) SysGraphicLightGetDisplayDeviceContext (Function) SysGraphicLightReleaseDisplayDeviceContext (Function)
SysGraphicLightBeginPaint (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysGraphicLightBeginPaint : RTS_IEC_RESULT <description> This function and <see>SysGraphicEndPaint</see> are used to encapsule some paint calls together. An implementing platform could use this encapsulation for some optimizations. For every call to SysGraphicBeginPaint there will be an according call to SysGraphicEndPaint. </description> <param name=”hDisplayContext” type=”IN”>Handle to device context.</param> <param name=”rsCurrentVisuName” type=”IN”>The name of the current visualization.</param> <param name=”udiFlags” type=”IN”>Additional flags.</param> <result><p>RESULT: Returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library).</p></result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysGraphicLightBeginPaint RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hDisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE rsCurrentVisuName REFERENCE TO STRING udiFlags UDINT
SysGraphicLightEndPaint (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysGraphicLightEndPaint : RTS_IEC_RESULT <description> This function and <see>SysGraphicBeginPaint</see> are used to encapsule some paint calls together. An implementing platform could use this encapsulation for some optimizations. For every call to SysGraphicBeginPaint there will be an according call to SysGraphicEndPaint. </description> <param name=”hDisplayContext” type=”IN”>Handle to device context.</param> <param name=”rsCurrentVisuName” type=”IN”>The name of the current visualization.</param> <param name=”udiFlags” type=”IN”>Additional flags.</param> <result><p>RESULT: Returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library).</p></result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysGraphicLightEndPaint RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hDisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE rsCurrentVisuName REFERENCE TO STRING udiFlags UDINT
SysGraphicLightGetDisplayDeviceContext (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysGraphicLightGetDisplayDeviceContext : RTS_IEC_HANDLE <description> Provides a handle to the basic display context. If you do not use this handle any more, release it using <see>SysGraphicLightReleaseDisplayDeviceContext</see> </description> <param name=”udiDisplayID” type=”IN”>Optional parameter for indicating different display contexts by ID. If only one display is used the parameter is always 0. </param> <param name=”pResult” type=”OUT”>Pointer to runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library)</param> <result><p>RESULT: Handle to the display context or RTS_INVALID_HANDLE if failed.</p></result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysGraphicLightGetDisplayDeviceContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE Input udiDisplayID UDINT pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
SysGraphicLightReleaseDisplayDeviceContext (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysGraphicLightReleaseDisplayDeviceContext : RTS_IEC_RESULT <description> Releases a handle to the basic display context that was returned by <see>SysGraphicLightGetDisplayDeviceContext</see>. </description> <param name=”hDisplayContext” type=”IN”>The display device context to release.</param> <result><p>RESULT: Returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library).</p></result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysGraphicLightReleaseDisplayDeviceContext RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hDisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE
PenBrushFont ¶ SysGraphicLightRegisterFont (Function) SysGraphicLightSetFill (Function) SysGraphicLightSetFont (Function) SysGraphicLightSetLine (Function)
SysGraphicLightRegisterFont (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysGraphicLightRegisterFont : RTS_IEC_RESULT <description> Function to register a font, which is downloaded by the user. </description> <param name=”pbyData” TYPE=”IN”>Font data</param> <param name=”udiDataSize” type=”IN”>Font data size</param> <param name=”pszFontName” type=”IN”>Name of the font that should be created.</param> <param name=”iFontSize” type=”IN”>Size of the font.</param> <param name=”udiFontFlags” type=”IN”>The font flags.</param> <result><p>RESULT: Returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library).</p></result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysGraphicLightRegisterFont RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pbyData POINTER TO BYTE udiDataSize UDINT Input Const pszFontName REFERENCE TO STRING Input iFontSize INT udiFontFlags UDINT
SysGraphicLightSetFill (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysGraphicLightSetFill : RTS_IEC_RESULT <description> Function to set the fill style of the following objects. </description> <param name=”hDisplayContext” type=”IN”>Handle to device context.</param> <param name=”udiFillFlags” type=”IN”>Fill flags. Defined in IEC-Code for Visualization</param> <param name=”udiFillColor” type=”IN”>Fill color. Defined in IEC-Code for Visualization</param> <result><p>RESULT: Returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library).</p></result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysGraphicLightSetFill RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hDisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE udiFillFlags UDINT udiFillColor UDINT
SysGraphicLightSetFont (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysGraphicLightSetFont : RTS_IEC_RESULT <description> Function to set the font for the following drawn texts. </description> <param name=”hDisplayContext” type=”IN”>Handle to device context.</param> <param name=”pszFontName” type=”IN”>Name of the font that should be created.</param> <param name=”iFontSize” type=”IN”>Size of the font.</param> <param name=”udiFontFlags” type=”IN”>The font flags.</param> <param name=”udiFontCharSet” type=”IN”>The font character set.</param> <param name=”udiFontColor” type=”IN”>The font color.</param> <result><p>RESULT: Returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library).</p></result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysGraphicLightSetFont RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hDisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE Input Const pszFontName REFERENCE TO STRING Input iFontSize INT udiFontFlags UDINT udiFontCharSet UDINT udiFontColor UDINT
SysGraphicLightSetLine (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysGraphicLightSetLine : RTS_IEC_RESULT <description> Function to set the line style of the following objects. </description> <param name=”hDisplayContext” type=”IN”>Handle to device context.</param> <param name=”iLineWidth” TYPE=”IN”>Width OF the line as in Win32</param> <param name=”udiLineFlags” type=”IN”>Line flags. Defined in IEC-Code for Visualization</param> <param name=”udiLineColor” type=”IN”>Line color. Defined in IEC-Code for Visualization</param> <result><p>RESULT: Returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library).</p></result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SysGraphicLightSetLine RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hDisplayContext RTS_IEC_HANDLE iLineWidth INT udiLineFlags UDINT udiLineColor UDINT