SncEtherCATDriver.CommTimeout (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY CommTimeout : UDINT Property of type ‘UDINT’ to get the timeout in ms of the underlying EtherCAT VoE interface
SncEtherCATDriver.FSpsBusID (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FSpsBusID : FSPSBUSDRV Property of type ‘FSPSBUSDRV’ to get the unique ID ‘FSPSBUSDRV.ETHERCAT’ as the F-SPS bus driver type
SncEtherCATDriver.InitDeviceSpecificFSps (METH) ¶ METHOD InitDeviceSpecificFSps : ERROR Method to do some specific bus initialization and its underlying components InOut: Scope Name Type Return InitDeviceSpecificFSps ERROR
SncEtherCATDriver.MsgTimeoutMs (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY MsgTimeoutMs : UDINT Property to get the size of the reply buffer in communication driver The message timeout is used while receiving a data block
SncEtherCATDriver.ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (METH) ¶ METHOD ScanDeviceSpecificFSps : ERROR Method to check if a specific F-SPS physically exists and to synchronize the buffer size of CODESYS / Std-SPS with the F-SPS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input eFSpsBusId FSPSBUSDRV F-SPS bus driver ID hWriter RTS_IEC_HANDLE writer for the reply udiStdSpsBufferSize UDINT size of the communication buffer of the standard SPS Return ScanDeviceSpecificFSps ERROR
SncEtherCATDriver.ScanTimeoutMs (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ScanTimeoutMs : UDINT Property to get time in ms for a scan timeout
SncSingleDevDriver (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL SncSingleDevDriver EXTENDS SncDeviceDriverBase IMPLEMENTS IBusSpecificDataHandler Function block for a single device driver to handle the SNC services addressed to its connected F-SPS extends ‘SncDeviceDriverBase’ and implements the interface ‘IDeviceSpecificDataHandler’ represents one connected F-SPS (via SharedMemory) and registers it to the SncServiceProvider synchronizes its communication buffer size with the one from the Std-SPS handles the service requests coming from the SNC service handler with the help of the SharedMemory bus handler Properties: BlockTimeoutMs CommBufferSize FSpsBusID MsgTimeoutMs FSpsDeviceAddress , inherited from SncDeviceDriverBase SyncdWriterSize , inherited from SncDeviceDriverBase WasInitialized , inherited from SncDeviceDriverBase Methods: InitDeviceSpecificFSps ScanDeviceSpecificFSps InitOnDownload , inherited from SncDeviceDriverBase Initialize , inherited from SncDeviceDriverBase TransmitDeviceSpecificData , inherited from SncDeviceDriverBase WriteScanReply , inherited from SncDeviceDriverBase Structure: BlockTimeoutMs (Property) CommBufferSize (Property) FSpsBusID (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) MsgTimeoutMs (Property) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method)
SncSingleDevDriver.BlockTimeoutMs (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY BlockTimeoutMs : UDINT Property of type ‘UDINT’ to get the block timeout in ms of the underlying block driver The block timeout is used while sending a data block
SncSingleDevDriver.CommBufferSize (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY CommBufferSize : UINT Property of type ‘UINT’ to get the comm buffer size of the underlying EtherCAT VoE interface
SncSingleDevDriver.FSpsBusID (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FSpsBusID : FSPSBUSDRV Property of type ‘FSPSBUSDRV’ to get the unique ID ‘FSPSBUSDRV.SINGLE_SHM’ as the F-SPS bus driver type