LOGDBGSTATE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE LOGDBGSTATE : Enumeration for the various states of the SNC device driver as an alternative if there are no debugging / logging possibilities Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment DBG_INITDOWNLOAD_ENTRY 0 entered InitOnDownload() method which is called by the device itself DBG_INITDOWNLOAD_NULLCONNECTOR 1 InitOnDownload() has a null connector as parameter DBG_INITDOWNLOAD_NULLCBEVENT 2 InitOnDownload() cannot register for EVT_BeforeWritingOutputs DBG_INITDOWNLOAD_CALLBACK 3 InitOnDownload() could register a callback for EVT_BeforeWritingOutputs DBG_INITEVTCB_ALREADYDONE 4 the initialization by the event callback is called twice DBG_INITEVTCB_NOIDENTITY 5 could not read the identity of the EtherCAT slave in the event callback DBG_INITEVTCB_NOSLAVEADDR 6 could not read the physical address of the EtherCAT slave in the event callback DBG_INITEVTCB_NOVENDORID 7 could not read the vendor ID of the EtherCAT slave in the event callback DBG_INITEVTCB_NOMASTERIDX 8 could not get master index of the EtherCAT slave in the event callback DBG_INITEVTCB_NOSLAVE 9 could not get the slave out of the parameter structure in the event callback DBG_INITEVTCB_NOTINOPSTATE 10 the slave is not in the operate state in the event callback DBG_INITEVTCB_NOTMYBUSINESS 11 the event callback was called although is was not the right IEC task or event DBG_INITDEV_ALREADYDONE 12 the initialization of the SNC device driver for this F-SPS is called twice DBG_INITDEV_INVALIDADDRESS 13 could not initialize the SNC device driver for this F-SPS because vendorID and address are 0 DBG_INITSRVPRV_FAILED 14 could not initialize the corresponding SNC service provider for this F-SPS DBG_INITSRVPRV_SUCCESS 15 successfully initialized the corresponding SNC service provider for this F-SPS DBG_INITDEVDESC_FAILED 16 could not initialize the corresponding SNC device description for this F-SPS DBG_INITDEVDESC_SUCCESS 17 successfully initialized the corresponding SNC device description for this F-SPS DBG_REGDEVDESC_FAILED 18 could not register this F-SPS to the SNC service provider DBG_REGDEVDESC_SUCCESS 19 successfully registered this F-SPS to the SNC service provider DBG_INITDEVSPEC_FAILED 20 could not initialize the bus specific part of the F-SPS DBG_INITDEVSPEC_SUCCESS 21 successfully initialized the bus specific part for this F-SPS
Function Blocks ¶ 01 Snc Base FB SncDeviceDriverBase (FunctionBlock) FSpsBusID (Property) FSpsDeviceAddress (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) InitOnDownload (Method) Initialize (Method) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) SyncdWriterSize (Property) TransmitDeviceSpecificData (Method) WasInitialized (Property) WriteScanReply (Method) 02 Device Drivers and Bus Datahandlers Bushandler EtherCAT DEVDRV_ETC (GVL) SncEtherCATDriver (FunctionBlock) BlockTimeoutMs (Property) BlockTimeoutMultiplier (Property) CommBufferSize (Property) CommTimeout (Property) FSpsBusID (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) MsgTimeoutMs (Property) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) ScanTimeoutMs (Property) Single FSps SncSingleDevDriver (FunctionBlock) BlockTimeoutMs (Property) CommBufferSize (Property) FSpsBusID (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) MsgTimeoutMs (Property) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) 03 Device Description SncDevDesc (FunctionBlock) FSpsAddress (Property) FSpsDevAddress (Property) FSpsMasterIdx (Property) FSpsVendorID (Property) 04 Comm Drivers BlkDriver Stuff EtherCAT based CommDriver SHM based CommDriver 05 ServiceHandler 06 ServiceProvider SncServiceProvider (FunctionBlock) NumOfHandledServices (Property) SimulateServiceRequest (Method) 07 Logger
01 Snc Base FB ¶ This folder provides the basic function blocks for the subnode communication manager: “SncBusHandlerBase”: transmits the content of a SNC service to a specific F-SPS on base of its bus dependent communication driver (EtherCAT or SharedMemory) “SncCommDriverBase”: implements a certain communication driver (open / close comm, send, receive, …) “SncDeviceDriverBase”: represents one F-SPS which is registered at the “SNCServiceProvider” to handle SNC services “SncFSpsServiceProviderBase”: combines the SNC service handler with the registered F-SPS; registers the SNC service handler at the RTS service handler SncDeviceDriverBase (FunctionBlock) FSpsBusID (Property) FSpsDeviceAddress (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) InitOnDownload (Method) Initialize (Method) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) SyncdWriterSize (Property) TransmitDeviceSpecificData (Method) WasInitialized (Property) WriteScanReply (Method)
SncDeviceDriverBase (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SncDeviceDriverBase IMPLEMENTS ISncDeviceDriver, ICmpEventCallback Base class for a F-SPS device driver for handling the SNC services addressed to its connected F-SPS implements the interface ‘ISncDeviceDriver’ registers a given F-SPS to the SncServiceProvider handles the SNC service data on base of the bus specific communication (EtherCAT or SharedMemory) Properties: FSpsBusID FSpsDeviceAddress SyncdWriterSize WasInitialized Methods: InitDeviceSpecificFSps InitOnDownload Initialize ScanDeviceSpecificFSps TransmitDeviceSpecificData WriteScanReply Structure: FSpsBusID (Property) FSpsDeviceAddress (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) InitOnDownload (Method) Initialize (Method) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) SyncdWriterSize (Property) TransmitDeviceSpecificData (Method) WasInitialized (Property) WriteScanReply (Method)
02 Device Drivers and Bus Datahandlers ¶ This folder provides the function blocks to handle SNC service data over various bus driver types (EtherCAT, SharedMemory) and contains further function blocks of the corresponding F-SPS device drivers. Bushandler EtherCAT DEVDRV_ETC (GVL) SncEtherCATDriver (FunctionBlock) BlockTimeoutMs (Property) BlockTimeoutMultiplier (Property) CommBufferSize (Property) CommTimeout (Property) FSpsBusID (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) MsgTimeoutMs (Property) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) ScanTimeoutMs (Property) Single FSps SncSingleDevDriver (FunctionBlock) BlockTimeoutMs (Property) CommBufferSize (Property) FSpsBusID (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) MsgTimeoutMs (Property) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method)
Bushandler ¶ This folder provides the function blocks to handle SNC service data over various bus driver types to a specific F-SPS
EtherCAT ¶ This folder provides the function blocks for a SNC EtherCAT device driver which represents a F-SPS being an EtherCAT slave. DEVDRV_ETC (GVL) SncEtherCATDriver (FunctionBlock) BlockTimeoutMs (Property) BlockTimeoutMultiplier (Property) CommBufferSize (Property) CommTimeout (Property) FSpsBusID (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) MsgTimeoutMs (Property) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) ScanTimeoutMs (Property)
Single FSps ¶ This folder provides the function blocks for a SNC single F-SPS device driver which represents a F-SPS communicating via SharedMemory with the Std-SPS. There can only be one of this type. SncSingleDevDriver (FunctionBlock) BlockTimeoutMs (Property) CommBufferSize (Property) FSpsBusID (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) MsgTimeoutMs (Property) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method)
03 Device Description ¶ This folder provides the function block to describe a F-SPS device. SncDevDesc (FunctionBlock) FSpsAddress (Property) FSpsDevAddress (Property) FSpsMasterIdx (Property) FSpsVendorID (Property)
SncDevDesc (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL SncDevDesc IMPLEMENTS ISncDevDesc Base class for a device description of a F-SPS which is addressed by SNC services Properties: FSpsAddress FSpsDevAddress FSpsMasterIdx FSpsVendorID Structure: FSpsAddress (Property) FSpsDevAddress (Property) FSpsMasterIdx (Property) FSpsVendorID (Property)