to an array of [...] monitored. itemsCount [...] array.
array of |IData [...] monitored. itemsCount [...] array.
_pBitmapTable POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF BitmapEntry g_udiBitmapTableCount [...] Rectangle g_iHelp INT g_iMaxPointCount
RecordConfiguration variable (or an array of [...] ) iRecordCount DINT [...] stored in the array p
TypeBundle usiCount [...] size of the array
ArrStaticElementBuffer POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] CommandSize UDINT udiCommandCount
DataTrs POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] transmit iCount INT
DataTrs POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] transmit iCount INT
elements in array [...] Address nAddrComponentCount [...] Components ARRAY [0..(MAX
ARRAY [0..0] OF VUM [...] pdiUserCount