identification of a slot of a [...] subslot of a PROFINET [...] projected devices of the
information of what failed [...] number of the targeted [...] device address of the
VisuClient : STRUCT Structure of [...] of redundancy has [...] FrameSel POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9
: ARRAY [0..500] OF [...] of a specific instance of a CIP object
element of an array of [...] selects one of a given number of G-sentence
of an error. In [...] Com USINT 1 Index of [...] index of the Co
Data ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE [...] of an error. In [...] Com USINT 1 Index of
AxisMapping ARRAY [0..(SM3M.SMC_MAX_VEC_DIM - 1)] OF Coupled
IDs of the alarm [...] timestamps of the alarm li [...] offsets of the alarm i
value of a data record parameter of a [...] / parameters of a module or