i2cMaster (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK i2cMaster This function block represents an i2c master. Properties: Operational Methods: read write Structure: Operational (Property) readwrite-commands read (Method) write (Method)
i2cMaster.Operational (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Operational : BOOL This property has to return TRUE, when the master device is configured and running
read/write commands ¶ read (Method) write (Method)
File and Project Information ¶ Scope Name Type Content FileHeader creationDateTime date 25.10.2023, 14:07:33 companyName string 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH libraryFile Raspberry Pi Peripherals.library primaryProject True productName CODESYS productProfile CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 contentFile Raspberry Pi Peripherals.clean.json version version ProjectInformation Released bool True LastModificationDateTime date 25.10.2023, 14:07:31 LibraryCategories library-category-list Target|3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH Author string CODESYS Development GmbH Company CODESYS CompiledLibraryCompatibilityVersion CODESYS V3.5 SP16 DefaultNamespace RasPi Description See: Description DocFormat reStructuredText Placeholder Raspberry Pi Peripherals Project Raspberry Pi Peripherals Title Raspberry Pi Peripherals Version version
Library Reference ¶ This is a dictionary of all referenced libraries and their name spaces. CmpCharDevice ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CmpCharDevice Default Resolution: CmpCharDevice, * (3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH) Namespace: CmpCharDevice Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: CmpCharDevice IoStandard ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: IoStandard Default Resolution: IoStandard, * (System) Namespace: IoStandard Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IoStandard Standard ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: Standard Default Resolution: Standard, * (System) Namespace: Standard Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: Standard SysFile ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: SysFile Default Resolution: SysFile, * (System) Namespace: SysFile Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SysFile SysMem ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: SysMem Default Resolution: SysMem, * (System) Namespace: SysMem Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SysMem SysTypes2 Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: SysTypes2 Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: SysTypes Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SysTypes2 Interfaces, * (System)
OneWire.AfterReadInputs (METH) ¶ METHOD AfterReadInputs : INT This method can be overloaded by extending FBs. It is used to read in the inputs of the device in the beginning of the cycle. Always including a call of the base implementation with super^.AfterReadInputs() In the base implementation, the body of the FB is called. InOut: Scope Name Type Return AfterReadInputs INT
OneWire.BeforeWriteOutputs (METH) ¶ METHOD BeforeWriteOutputs : INT This method can be overloaded by extending FBs. It is used to write the outputs to the device at the end of the cycle. Always including a call of the base implementation with super^.BeforeWriteOutputs() In the base implementation, the body of the FB is called. InOut: Scope Name Type Return BeforeWriteOutputs INT
OneWire.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize : UDINT This method can be overloaded by extending FBs. It is called once during initialization phase, before the PLC goes into “run”. Always including a call of the base implementation with super^.Initialize(wModuleType, udiInstance, pConnector) Typically, parameter values from the configuration are read here. InOut: Scope Name Type Return Initialize UDINT Input wModuleType UINT dwInstance UDINT pConnector POINTER TO IoConfigConnector
OneWire.Operational (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Operational : BOOL This property has to return TRUE, when the device is configured and running
spi.AfterReadInputs (METH) ¶ METHOD AfterReadInputs : INT This method can be overloaded by extending FBs. It is used to read in the inputs of the device in the beginning of the cycle. Always including a call of the base implementation with super^.AfterReadInputs() In the base implementation, the body of the FB is called. InOut: Scope Name Type Return AfterReadInputs INT