status ¶ Operational (Property)
spiMaster (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK spiMaster This function block represents a spi master. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input _diMode DINT >0: SPI mode to be set; must be set before calling init(); after call of init() it contains the re-read value and can be used to check if the setting was correct _diBitsPerWord DINT >0: SPI bits per word; must be set before calling init(); after call of init() it contains the re-read value and can be used to check if the setting was correct _diMaxSpeed DINT >0: SPI max speed setting; must be set before calling init(); after call of init() it contains the re-read value and can be used to check if the setting was correct Properties: Operational Methods: transferExt Structure: Operational (Property) readwrite-commands transferExt (Method)
spiMaster.Operational (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Operational : BOOL This property has to return TRUE, when the master device is configured and running
read/write commands ¶ transferExt (Method)
i2c ¶ i2c (FunctionBlock) connector AfterReadInputs (Method) BeforeWriteOutputs (Method) internal readwrite-commands read (Method) read8 (Method) readregister (Method) write (Method) write8 (Method) writeBits (Method) status Operational (Property) i2cMaster (FunctionBlock) Operational (Property) readwrite-commands read (Method) write (Method)
i2c (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK i2c This function block is the base class for I²C devices controlled via the I²C device /dev/i2c-1 . It is meant to be extended by other function blocks that overload the body and the following methods/properties and replace it with their specific implementation, always including a call of the base implementation with super^.<MethodName>() : body (general handling, start-up) AfterReadInputs (reading input data) BeforeWriteOutputs (writing output data) Initialize [optional] (used to read parameters from the configuration) Operational [optional] (used to signal the status of the device) The body of this FB is called by the methods AfterReadInputs and BeforeWriteOutputs , where _xAfterReadInputs indicates the caller. Use _iState to control your statemachine. A value of 10 by default indicates that the device is operational. Do not forget to call the base implementation with super^() , where the diagnosis indicators are set according to the Operational property. InOut: Scope Name Type Input usiAddress USINT Properties: Operational Methods: AfterReadInputs BeforeWriteOutputs read read8 readregister write write8 writeBits Structure: connector AfterReadInputs (Method) BeforeWriteOutputs (Method) internal readwrite-commands read (Method) read8 (Method) readregister (Method) write (Method) write8 (Method) writeBits (Method) status Operational (Property)
connector ¶ AfterReadInputs (Method) BeforeWriteOutputs (Method)
internal ¶ {attribute ‘libdoc_include’}
read/write commands ¶ read (Method) read8 (Method) readregister (Method) write (Method) write8 (Method) writeBits (Method)
status ¶ Operational (Property)