(Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatString [...] HandleSameChars (Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatString [...] LanguageText (Method) VisuDateTimeFormat
_InputChecks Inout Const optDateTimeFormat STRING [...] ToWrite POINTER TO STRING p
date and time format [...] timestamp g_sTimeFormat [...] time format used to
NotifiableTransitionOfAlarm (Function) ConvertTimestampToLDateAndTime [...] LatchFilterCriteria (Function) ElaborateTimeRangeFilterCriteria (Function) Format
Header creationDateTime date 21 [...] Name string 3S-Smart [...] H libraryFile CommonPacketFormat
(Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatString [...] HandleSameChars (Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatString [...] LanguageText (Method) VisuDateTimeFormat
Header creationDateTime date 17 [...] Name string 3S-Smart [...] H libraryFile CAA_RealTime
Max STRING iFormat [...] number format was [...] the number format
Header creationDateTime date 01 [...] Name string 3S-Smart [...] H libraryFile String
The format string [...] Result REFERENCE TO CharBufferString [...] returned cbsFormat