Init : POINTER TO BYTE In [...] Init POINTER TO BYTE Input pBlobInitData POINTER TO BYTE blob
DirectReference WORD wIndirectReference WORD byEncoding BYTE
. wActPosition WORD [...] not be reached as long as this value
ProtocolOptions BYTE C: 19, L: 1, M [...] VersionNumber BYTE C: 22, L: 1, M [...] TokenSettingItem BYTE C: 26, L: 1, O
Integer ¶ BYTE Assert_Byte_Equal (Function) Assert_Byte
TO BYTE Pointer [...] DataLen WORD Länge der Daten [...] (in Byte) p
_MAX_SLAVES WORD 1024 Not used [...] _SDO_CHANNELS WORD 100 Number of [...] _MAILBOX_CHANNELS WORD 100 Number of
StructSize WORD wFlags WORD dw [...] BitOffset BYTE xw
StructSize WORD wFlags WORD dw [...] BitOffset BYTE xw
Raw WriteByte Write [...] String WriteWord WriteWord [...] Raw (Method) WriteByte