ScriptUserManagement ¶ class ScriptUser [...] viewpoint of the User
active when the user [...] active when the user [...] query the user
bootproject. force_active [...] no longer active [...] flow_active = (16384
= 0 ¶ The user [...] user selected “No [...] . Cancel = 2 ¶ The user
to the user, and [...] user is currently [...] user visible, and
; otherwise, False . IsSubversionActive [...] subversion is active for [...] active for the
.5.2.0 property is_active [...] the active application. The active
property dongle_licencing_active [...] activated, the user needs [...] active; otherwise
Executables”/> to be active [...] _direct_io_obstacle_explanations ( obstacles ) ¶ Gets user [...] , as the user
offline mode is active [...] user display