/output/in-out変数の最大数 この [...] _OUTPUT ) また VAR_IN_OUT -ブロ [...] ル166のプロジェクト設定に VAR_IN
in this POU ELSIF [...] _xVar only read in this [...] _xVar only read in this
; // statements in the [...] //comments in the [...] considered in the
PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR in [...] #01000101 in_word : WORD [...] #0000000001000101 in_uint : UINT
_INPUT xVarIn1 : BOOL; xVarIn [...] _xGlob := xVarIn1; INT#2: g_xGlob := xVarIn2; ELSE g
_Afb VAR_INPUT iIn1: INT; iIn2: INT; END [...] Afb(iIn1 := 99); での
_Afb VAR_INPUT iIn1: INT; iIn2: INT; END [...] ; END_VAR iOut1 := iIn
Return_Before_End: BOOL; xContinue_In [...] ; END_VAR xContinue_In [...] ; xContinue_In
_INPUT iVar_fb1in1 : INT; ivar_fb1in2 : INT; rVar_fb1in [...] _VAR iVar_fb1out:=iVar_fb1in
FUNCTION TempVarIn [...] Temp : UINT; END_VAR TempVarIn [...] Test := TempVarInFUNC(); での